Frank C. Montefering

M, b. 4 September 1886, d. 21 October 1963
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFrank C. Montefering was also known as Muntefering.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 September 1886Frank C. Montefering was born on 4 September 1886 at Iowa.
Marriage27 September 1910He married Josephina Mary Ludwig, daughter of Franz Ludwig and Catherine Richard, on 27 September 1910 at Carroll, Iowa.
Death21 October 1963Frank C. Montefering died on 21 October 1963 at age 77 Frank Montefering obituary.
Carroll Daily Times Herald October 22, 1963 - Frank Montefering obituary
Burialafter 21 October 1963He was buried after 21 October 1963 at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Parkston, Hutchinson, South Dakota.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1930Lincoln, Douglas, South DakotaFrank C. Montefering was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota.1
1940In 1940 Highest Grade Completed:     Elementary school, 8th grade.

Children of Frank C. Montefering and Josephina Mary Ludwig


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota; Roll: 2222; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 906.0.

Raymond Conrad Muntefering

M, b. 8 June 1912, d. 9 July 1997
Father*Frank C. Montefering b. 4 Sep 1886, d. 21 Oct 1963
Mother*Josephina Mary Ludwig b. 8 Jun 1884, d. 10 Nov 1951
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationRaymond Conrad Muntefering was also known as Montefering.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth8 June 1912Raymond Conrad Muntefering was born on 8 June 1912 at South Dakota.
He was the son of Frank C. Montefering and Josephina Mary Ludwig.
Marriage28 March 1932Raymond Conrad Muntefering married Ellenora Elizabeth Weber on 28 March 1932 at Hutchinson, South Dakota.
Death9 July 1997Raymond Conrad Muntefering died on 9 July 1997 at North Dakota at age 85 also reported as 09 Jul 1988.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1930Lincoln, Douglas, South DakotaRaymond Conrad Muntefering was listed as a son in Frank C. Montefering's household on the 1930 Census at Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota.1

Children of Raymond Conrad Muntefering and Ellenora Elizabeth Weber


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota; Roll: 2222; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 906.0.

Vernon Montefering

M, b. 6 January 1917, d. 18 November 1987
Father*Frank C. Montefering b. 4 Sep 1886, d. 21 Oct 1963
Mother*Josephina Mary Ludwig b. 8 Jun 1884, d. 10 Nov 1951
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationVernon Montefering was also known as Muntefering.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth6 January 1917Vernon Montefering was born on 6 January 1917 at Douglas, South Dakota.
He was the son of Frank C. Montefering and Josephina Mary Ludwig.
Marriage21 June 1938Vernon Montefering married Josephine Smith on 21 June 1938.
Death18 November 1987Vernon Montefering died on 18 November 1987 at Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, at age 70.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1930Lincoln, Douglas, South DakotaVernon Montefering was listed as a son in Frank C. Montefering's household on the 1930 Census at Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota.1
21 October 1963Vernon Montefering witnessed the death of Frank C. Montefering on 21 October 1963; Frank Montefering obituary.


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota; Roll: 2222; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 906.0.

Viola Ann Montefering

F, b. 27 June 1921, d. 12 February 2001
Father*Frank C. Montefering b. 4 Sep 1886, d. 21 Oct 1963
Mother*Josephina Mary Ludwig b. 8 Jun 1884, d. 10 Nov 1951
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationViola Ann Montefering was also known as Muntefering.
Married Name14 January 1941As of 14 January 1941,her married name was Weber.
Married Name12 May 1972As of 12 May 1972,her married name was Jones.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth27 June 1921Viola Ann Montefering was born on 27 June 1921 at Douglas, South Dakota.
She was the daughter of Frank C. Montefering and Josephina Mary Ludwig.
Marriage14 January 1941Viola Ann Montefering married Arnold H. Weber on 14 January 1941 at Hutchinson, South Dakota.
Marriage12 May 1972Viola Ann Montefering married William A. Jones on 12 May 1972 at Pennington, South Dakota.
Death12 February 2001Viola Ann Montefering died on 12 February 2001 at age 79.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1930Lincoln, Douglas, South DakotaViola Ann Montefering was listed as a daughter in Frank C. Montefering's household on the 1930 Census at Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota.1
1940In 1940 Highest Grade Completed:     Elementary school, 8th grade.

Children of Viola Ann Montefering and Arnold H. Weber


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Lincoln, Douglas, South Dakota; Roll: 2222; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 906.0.

Heinrich Hubert Dunck

M, b. 12 April 1844, d. 30 November 1928
Father*Joseph Dunck
Mother*Mary Kaspery
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationHeinrich Hubert Dunck was also known as Henry.
Name VariationHeinrich Hubert Dunck was also known as Henrich.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth12 April 1844Heinrich Hubert Dunck was born on 12 April 1844 at Germany.
He was the son of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery.
Marriage1872Heinrich Hubert Dunck married Franziska Rehman, daughter of (?) Rehman and Margaret (?), in 1872.
Death30 November 1928Heinrich Hubert Dunck died on 30 November 1928 at Iowa at age 84 This community was saddened to learn of the sudden death of Henry H. Dunck, which occurred shortly after midnight Friday morning. Mr. Dunck had spent the evening with the members of the family in the usual way and when he retired there was nothing to indicate that he would not meet them in the morning. Mr. Dunck had no ailment, but gradually failed in health, due to old age. He awoke shortly after midnight, complaining of not feeling well. His son, Conrad, assisted him in every way possible; they called for the children, and the angle of death released him and slumbered away peacefully into eternity. He was conscious to the end, being well prepared with the Last Rites of the Catholic church, of which he was a faithful member all his life. The deceased was a son of Joseph Dunck and Mary Casparri. He was born April 12, 1844, at Altenar, Rhineland, Germany. He received his education in Germany and also served in the army for two years. The family emigrated to America at the close of the Civil war, locating at Lyons, Ia., where Mr. Dunck followed his trade as a carpenter. He was married to Frances Rehman in 1872, at Lyons, Ia., and moved to Carroll in 1877, where they lived for several years, then bought the homestead on which he resided until his death, November 30, 1928. His wife preceded him in death on January 6, 1913. To this happy union 12 children were born, two dying in infancy, and Joseph M., who died at Carroll, Ia., September 24, 1922; Conrad who resided with his father; Thresia, Mrs. C. J. Montag, of Portland, Ore; Julia, Mrs. B. B. Lemker, of here; Mary, Mrs. Joe Geocke of Mt. Carmel; Catharine, Mrs. Conrad Schaeffer, and Anna, Mrs. John Schaeffer, the latter two residing at Breda; Agnes, Mrs. Phil Neu of Omaha; Frances; Mrs. John Mahoney, Milwaukee, Wis., and Josie, Mrs. 9l (sic) Duffy of Vail, Ia. Besides the above he is survived by 32 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and 1 brother, Jacob, of Clinton, Ia., and one sister, Juliana Julich, of Mt. Carmel. Mr. Dunck was one of the pioneer settlers of Iowa, and the oldest man of this parish. He knew the hardships of pioneer life. His strong Christian faith made religion the motive power of all his actions. But it was in his home life especially that his best was always in evidence. With a hand as ready as the inner soul that thrilled with unselfishness, he lightened every burden of others and bore his own with joy. Since the death of his wife, he was a companion to his children who frequently visited with him, and each advancing year brought out stronger relief the goodness that was in him. He was liberal with donations to his church and school and just recently presented St. Francis school with a Victrola, which will long be remembered by the pupils who hold him in high esteem. His son, Conrad, lived with him all his life and was a dutiful son, caring for his father in making the surroundings pleasant and cheerful at all times. His granddaughter, Miss Adalaide Lemker, lived with them a number of years caring for the household. Daily she was asked to play a few selections on the piano for her grandfather, of which he was very fond. His loss will be felt deeply by the entire family. The funeral service was held Monday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Francis church conducted by Rev. Father Meyer, the church being filled with relatives and friends paying their last tribute. The pallbearers were Joe Bruening, Ben Schlerman, Fred Brandl, C. K. Irlbeck, E. H. Fleskes and Herman Lohman. We extend to his family our sincere sympathy and may his soul enjoy the infinite happiness to which his life here entitles him.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaHeinrich Hubert Dunck was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.2
8 January 1920Maple River, Carroll, IowaHe was listed as father in Conrad John Dunck's household on the 1920 Census at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.3
1 January 1925Maple River, Carroll, IowaHeinrich Hubert Dunck appeared on the census of 1 January 1925 at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.

Children of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1920;Census Place: Maple River, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T625_481; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 851.

Franziska Rehman

F, b. 2 November 1849, d. 6 January 1912
Father*(?) Rehman
Mother*Margaret (?) b. c 1823, d. a Jun 1880
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFranziska Rehman was also known as Frische.
Name VariationFranziska Rehman was also known as Rehmann.
Name VariationFranziska Rehman was also known as Frances.
Name VariationFranziska Rehman was also known as Francisca.
Married Name1872As of 1872,her married name was Dunck.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth2 November 1849Franziska Rehman was born on 2 November 1849 at Germany.
She was the daughter of (?) Rehman and Margaret (?)
Marriage1872Franziska Rehman married Heinrich Hubert Dunck, son of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery, in 1872.
Death6 January 1912Franziska Rehman died on 6 January 1912 at Iowa at age 62 also reported as 06 Jan 1913.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaFranziska Rehman was listed as wife in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaFranziska Rehman was listed as wife in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.2
1900Franziska Rehman had 12 with 10 living in 1900 children.

Children of Franziska Rehman and Heinrich Hubert Dunck


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Joseph M. Dunck

M, b. January 1874, d. 24 September 1922
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Life EventDateDescription
BirthJanuary 1874Joseph M. Dunck was born in January 1874 at Iowa.
He was the son of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Death24 September 1922Joseph M. Dunck died on 24 September 1922 at age 48.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaJoseph M. Dunck was listed as a son in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaJoseph M. Dunck was listed as a son in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.2
Joseph M. Dunck was born in Iowa and raised on his parent’s farm near Maple River, and he received his early education in the public and parochial schools in Carroll County. In 1887, he went to Teutopolis, Illinois and attended St. Joseph’s College for two years. He then returned to work on his father’s farm, and received further tutoring from Father Roettler in Mt.Carmel. In 1894, he obtained his B.A. degree from St. Joseph’s College in Dubuque, and five years later he obtained his M.A. from the same school. For the next 10 years, he worked as a schoolteacher. He was then made editor of the Carroll Demokrat in 1905, and he worked at that until 1918. He was a Demokrat and a member of the Catholic Church. He died in 1922. from


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Conrad John Dunck

M, b. 23 April 1875, d. 28 August 1943
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationConrad John Dunck was also known as C. J.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 April 1875Conrad John Dunck was born on 23 April 1875 at Iowa.
He was the son of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
UNMARRIED1925As of 1925, Conrad John Dunck was never married.
Death28 August 1943He died on 28 August 1943 at age 68 Conrad J. Dunck, 68, retired farmer, passed away about 8 o'clock this morning at the St. Anthony hospital. He had been in ill health for the past two years, his condition having taken a sudden turn for the worse a few days ago. This morning he was removed from his home to the hospital, where his death occurred shortly afterward. Funeral services are to be at 9 o'clock Friday morning at SS. Peter and Paul's Church, and burial (page 2) will be in the Maple River cemetery. The body is resting at the Dietrich Funeral Home until the hour of the rites. Mr. Dunck was well known throughout this community, where the larger part of his life was spent. He was born April 23, 1875, at Clinton, Ia., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunck. He was two years old when his parents brought their family to Carroll county and located on a farm north of Maple River. Mr. Dunck continued to live on this farm until two and one-half years ago, when he moved into Carroll to reside at 214 South Court street. Surviving are seven sisters: Mrs. B. B. Lemker (Julia), Maple River; Mrs. Joseph Goecke (Mary), Mt. Carmel; Mrs. Conrad Schaefer (Katherine), Breda; Mrs. Phil Neu (Agnes), Omaha, Neb; Mrs. John Schaefer (Ann), Breda; Mrs. John Mahoney (Frances), Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Josephine Duffy, who made her home with Mr. Dunck. He was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters. Mr. Dunck was a member of SS. Peter and Paul's church.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaConrad John Dunck was listed as a son in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaConrad John Dunck was listed as a son in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.2
8 January 1920Maple River, Carroll, IowaConrad John Dunck was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.3
1 January 1925Maple River, Carroll, IowaHe appeared on the census of 1 January 1925 in the household of Heinrich Hubert Dunck at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.
12 September 1918World War I Draft Registration, Carroll, IowaOn 12 September 1918 at World War I Draft Registration, Carroll, Iowa.


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1920;Census Place: Maple River, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T625_481; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 851.

Julia Anna Dunck

F, b. 13 February 1879, d. 5 January 1947
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name8 October 1912As of 8 October 1912,her married name was Lemker.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth13 February 1879Julia Anna Dunck was born on 13 February 1879 at Iowa.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Marriage8 October 1912Julia Anna Dunck married Bernard Benedict Lemker on 8 October 1912.
Death5 January 1947Julia Anna Dunck died on 5 January 1947 at age 67.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaJulia Anna Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaJulia Anna Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.2


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Katherine Dunck

F, b. 11 March 1882, d. 14 December 1963
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Married NameHer married name was Schaefer.
Name VariationKatherine Dunck was also known as Catherine.
Name VariationKatherine Dunck was also known as Katie.
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageKatherine Dunck married Conrad Fred Schaefer.
Birth11 March 1882Katherine Dunck was born on 11 March 1882 at Iowa also reported as Mar 1881.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Death14 December 1963Katherine Dunck died on 14 December 1963 at Iowa at age 81.
Census DateLocationDescription
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaKatherine Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Agnes Agatha Dunck

F, b. 6 October 1883, d. 23 June 1965
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAgnes Agatha Dunck was also known as Aggie.
Married Namebefore 1908As of before 1908,her married name was Neu.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth6 October 1883Agnes Agatha Dunck was born on 6 October 1883 at Iowa also reported as Oct 1882.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Marriagebefore 1908Agnes Agatha Dunck married Phillip D. Neu before 1908.
Death23 June 1965Agnes Agatha Dunck died on 23 June 1965 at age 81.
Census DateLocationDescription
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaAgnes Agatha Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Anna H. Dunck

F, b. 6 July 1885, d. 12 June 1964
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAnna H. Dunck was also known as Annie.
Married Namebefore 1917As of before 1917,her married name was Schaefer.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth6 July 1885Anna H. Dunck was born on 6 July 1885 at Iowa also reported as Jul 1886.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Marriagebefore 1917Anna H. Dunck married John V. Schaefer before 1917.
Death12 June 1964Anna H. Dunck died on 12 June 1964 at age 78.
Census DateLocationDescription
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaAnna H. Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Frances C. Dunck

F, b. 14 July 1887, d. October 1962
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Married NameHer married name was Mahoney.
Name VariationFrances C. Dunck was also known as Francis.
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageFrances C. Dunck married John M. Mahoney.
Birth14 July 1887Frances C. Dunck was born on 14 July 1887 at Iowa also reporetd as Jul 1889.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
DeathOctober 1962Frances C. Dunck died in October 1962 at age 75.
Census DateLocationDescription
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaFrances C. Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.

Josephine Dunck

F, b. 3 May 1895, d. 6 September 1983
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name2 May 1917As of 2 May 1917,her married name was Olberding.
Married Name24 October 1922As of 24 October 1922,her married name was Duffy.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth3 May 1895Josephine Dunck was born on 3 May 1895 at Iowa.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Marriage2 May 1917Josephine Dunck married Herman Olberding on 2 May 1917.
Marriage24 October 1922Josephine Dunck married Albert Jacob Duffy on 24 October 1922 at Carroll, Iowa.
Death6 September 1983Josephine Dunck died on 6 September 1983 at age 88.
Census DateLocationDescription
7 June 1900Carroll, Carroll, IowaJosephine Dunck was listed as a daughter in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1900 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1
8 January 1920Maple River, Carroll, IowaJosephine Dunck was listed as a sister in Conrad John Dunck's household on the 1920 Census at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.2

Child of Josephine Dunck and Herman Olberding


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T623_421; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 37.
  2. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1920;Census Place: Maple River, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T625_481; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 851.

Herman Olberding

M, d. before January 1920
Life EventDateDescription
BirthHerman Olberding was born at Iowa.
Marriage2 May 1917He married Josephine Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman, on 2 May 1917.
DeathOctober 1918Herman Olberding died in October 1918.
Deathbefore January 1920He died before January 1920.

Child of Herman Olberding and Josephine Dunck

Rita Olberding

F, b. circa 1919
Father*Herman Olberding d. b Jan 1920
Mother*Josephine Dunck b. 3 May 1895, d. 6 Sep 1983
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1919Rita Olberding was born circa 1919 at Iowa.
She was the daughter of Herman Olberding and Josephine Dunck.
Census DateLocationDescription
8 January 1920Maple River, Carroll, IowaRita Olberding was listed as a niece in Conrad John Dunck's household on the 1920 Census at Maple River, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1920;Census Place: Maple River, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: T625_481; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 851.

Margaret (?)

F, b. circa 1823, d. after June 1880
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Namebefore 1849As of before 1849,her married name was Rehman.
Married Namebefore 1866As of before 1866,her married name was Frische.
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1823Margaret (?) was born circa 1823 at Germany.
Marriagebefore 1849She married (?) Rehman before 1849.
Marriagebefore 1866Margaret (?) married (?) Frische before 1866.
Deathafter June 1880Margaret (?) died after June 1880.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaMargaret (?) was listed as mother-in-law in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1

Child of Margaret (?) and (?) Rehman

Child of Margaret (?) and (?) Frische


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.

(?) Frische

M, d. before 1880
Life EventDateDescription
Birth(?) Frische was born at Germany.
Marriagebefore 1866He married Margaret (?) before 1866.
Deathbefore 1880(?) Frische died before 1880.

Child of (?) Frische and Margaret (?)

Margaret Frische

F, b. circa 1866
Father*(?) Frische d. b 1880
Mother*Margaret (?) b. c 1823, d. a Jun 1880
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1866Margaret Frische was born circa 1866 at Germany.
She was the daughter of (?) Frische and Margaret (?)
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Carroll, Carroll, IowaMargaret Frische was listed as a sister-in-law in Heinrich Hubert Dunck's household on the 1880 Census at Carroll, Carroll, Iowa.1


  1. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Carroll, Carroll, Iowa; Roll: 330; Family History Film: 1254330; Page: 367B; Enumeration District: 032; Image: 0478.

Joseph Dunck

Life EventDateDescription
BirthJoseph Dunck was born at Germany.
MarriageHe married Mary Kaspery.

Children of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery

Mary Kaspery

Name TypeDateDescription
Married NameHer married name was Dunck.
Name VariationMary Kaspery was also known as Casparri.
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageMary Kaspery married Joseph Dunck.
BirthMary Kaspery was born at Germany.

Children of Mary Kaspery and Joseph Dunck

(?) Rehman

Life EventDateDescription
Birth(?) Rehman was born at Germany.
Marriagebefore 1849He married Margaret (?) before 1849.

Child of (?) Rehman and Margaret (?)

Phillip D. Neu

M, b. 17 April 1884, d. 12 September 1977
Life EventDateDescription
Birth17 April 1884Phillip D. Neu was born on 17 April 1884 at Illinois.
Marriagebefore 1908He married Agnes Agatha Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman, before 1908.
Death12 September 1977Phillip D. Neu died on 12 September 1977 at age 93.

John M. Mahoney

M, b. 1887
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageJohn M. Mahoney married Frances C. Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Birth1887John M. Mahoney was born in 1887 at Wisconsin.

Albert Jacob Duffy

M, b. 12 March 1896, d. 1936
Life EventDateDescription
Birth12 March 1896Albert Jacob Duffy was born on 12 March 1896 at Iowa.
Marriage24 October 1922He married Josephine Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman, on 24 October 1922 at Carroll, Iowa.
Death1936Albert Jacob Duffy died in 1936.

John V. Schaefer

M, b. 8 November 1880, d. 18 November 1948
Life EventDateDescription
Birth8 November 1880John V. Schaefer was born on 8 November 1880 at Iowa.
Marriagebefore 1917He married Anna H. Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman, before 1917.
Death18 November 1948John V. Schaefer died on 18 November 1948 at age 68.

Conrad Fred Schaefer

M, b. 4 January 1878, d. 28 May 1961
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageConrad Fred Schaefer married Katherine Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Birth4 January 1878Conrad Fred Schaefer was born on 4 January 1878 at Iowa.
Death28 May 1961He died on 28 May 1961 at age 83.

Mary Dunck

F, b. 21 December 1880, d. 11 November 1951
Father*Heinrich Hubert Dunck b. 12 Apr 1844, d. 30 Nov 1928
Mother*Franziska Rehman b. 2 Nov 1849, d. 6 Jan 1912
Name TypeDateDescription
Married NameHer married name was Goecke.
Life EventDateDescription
MarriageMary Dunck married Joseph Goecke.
Birth21 December 1880Mary Dunck was born on 21 December 1880 at Iowa.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.
Death11 November 1951Mary Dunck died on 11 November 1951 at age 70.

Joseph Goecke

Life EventDateDescription
MarriageJoseph Goecke married Mary Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman.

Bernard Benedict Lemker

M, b. 1878, d. 27 August 1959
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationBernard Benedict Lemker was also known as B. B.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1878Bernard Benedict Lemker was born in 1878 at Iowa.
Marriage8 October 1912He married Julia Anna Dunck, daughter of Heinrich Hubert Dunck and Franziska Rehman, on 8 October 1912.
Death27 August 1959Bernard Benedict Lemker died on 27 August 1959 at Iowa.

Jacob Dunck

M, d. after November 1928
Father*Joseph Dunck
Mother*Mary Kaspery
Life EventDateDescription
Jacob Dunck was the son of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery.
Deathafter November 1928Jacob Dunck died after November 1928.

Juliana Dunck

F, d. after November 1928
Father*Joseph Dunck
Mother*Mary Kaspery
Name TypeDateDescription
Married NameHer married name was Julich.
Life EventDateDescription
Juliana Dunck was the daughter of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery.
MarriageJuliana Dunck married Mathias Hubert Julich.
Deathafter November 1928Juliana Dunck died after November 1928.

Mathias Hubert Julich

Life EventDateDescription
MarriageMathias Hubert Julich married Juliana Dunck, daughter of Joseph Dunck and Mary Kaspery.

Mary Rink

F, b. circa 1905
Father*John Rink b. c 1861, d. a 1930
Mother*C. Remmers b. c 1871, d. b 1930
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1905Mary Rink was born circa 1905 at Iowa.
She was the daughter of John Rink and C. Remmers.
Census DateLocationDescription
4 April 1930Fern Valley, Palo Alto, IowaMary Rink was listed as a sister in Eva Rink's household on the 1930 Census at Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa.1


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa; Roll: 671; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 8; Image: 2088.0.

John Rink Jr.

M, b. circa 1908
Father*John Rink b. c 1861, d. a 1930
Mother*C. Remmers b. c 1871, d. b 1930
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1908John Rink Jr. was born circa 1908 at Iowa.
He was the son of John Rink and C. Remmers.
Census DateLocationDescription
4 April 1930Fern Valley, Palo Alto, IowaJohn Rink Jr. was listed as a brother in Eva Rink's household on the 1930 Census at Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa.1


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa; Roll: 671; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 8; Image: 2088.0.

Paul Rink

M, b. circa 1915
Father*John Rink b. c 1861, d. a 1930
Mother*C. Remmers b. c 1871, d. b 1930
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1915Paul Rink was born circa 1915 at Iowa.
He was the son of John Rink and C. Remmers.
Census DateLocationDescription
4 April 1930Fern Valley, Palo Alto, IowaPaul Rink was listed as a brother in Eva Rink's household on the 1930 Census at Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa.1


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1930; Census Place: Fern Valley, Palo Alto, Iowa; Roll: 671; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 8; Image: 2088.0.

(?) Kemna

Life EventDateDescription
Marriage(?) Kemna married Delores E. Montag, daughter of William W. Montag and Eva Rink.