August Chris Klemme

M, b. 15 January 1835, d. 29 November 1915
Father*Heinrich Christian Klemme b. 23 Oct 1793, d. 25 Mar 1870
Mother*Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker b. 19 Feb 1802, d. a Jul 1870
August Klemme - tin type photo-Colorized
August Klemme - tin type photo
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAugust Chris Klemme was also known as A. C.
Name VariationAugust Chris Klemme was also known as Augustine.
Name VariationAugust Chris Klemme was also known as Christian August Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth15 January 1835August Chris Klemme was born on 15 January 1835 at Sabbenhausen, Lippe Detmold, Germany, also reported as 1834.
He was the son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker.
Christening1 February 1835August Chris Klemme was christened on 1 February 1835 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Lippe, Germany.
Marriage7 July 1861He married Christina Grages, daughter of Johann Friedrich Conrad Grages and Catherina Dorothea Stock, on 7 July 1861 at Zion United Church of Christ, Hanover Twp, Lake, Indiana.1
Marriage26 July 1881August Chris Klemme married Frederika Buthe, daughter of Heinrich Buethe and Wilhelmine Meyer, on 26 July 1881 at second marriage for both, Will, Illinois.
Death29 November 1915August Chris Klemme died on 29 November 1915 at Marion, Marion, Kansas, at age 80 A C Klemme obituary.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel December 14, 1915 - A C Klemme obituary
The Marion Review (Marion, Kansas) 09 Dec 1915 - August C Klemme obituary
Burialafter 29 November 1915He was buried after 29 November 1915 at Grant Cemetery, Marion, Marion, Kansas, Plot: 4, Lot 23, SE 4.
Census DateLocationDescription
21 September 1850Crete, Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1850 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemens
[Christian Klemme]
Gender     Male
Race     White
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1790
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1850     Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Occupation     Farmer
Industry     Agriculture
Real Estate     500
Line Number     22
Dwelling Number     116
Family Number     117.2
26 July 1860Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1860 Census at Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemme
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1800
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1768
Family Number     1681
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     1200
Personal Estate Value     450.3
circa 1862US Civil War Manpower Census, Washington Township, Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme appeared on the census of circa 1862 at US Civil War Manpower Census, Washington Township, Will, Illinois, Able Bodied Male Citizens: 084 Klemme, Aug., 26, Washington, Germany Farmer.
July 1865Washington, Will, IllinoisHe appeared on the census of July 1865 at Washington, Will, Illinois, household includes 3 male, 1 female;
under 10: 1 male (August Jr)
20-30: 1 male, 1 female (August & Christina)
50-60: 1 male (maybe father or father-in-law?)
1865 Illinois state census - Washington, Will, IL - August Klemme family
3 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois, Name     August Cleme
[August Klemme]
Age in 1870     35
Birth Date     abt 1835
Birthplace     DEU; Leipe
Dwelling Number     169
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     474
Real Estate Value     3400.4
16 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois, Name     August Klemme
Age     44
Birth Date     Abt 1836
Birthplace     Prussia
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     218
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Single
Father's Birthplace     Prussia
Mother's Birthplace     Prussia
Occupation     Farmer.5
1880 US Census - Washington, Will, IL ED214 - Klemme, August
19 June 1900Grant, Marion, KansasHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Grant, Marion, Kansas, Name     August Klemme
Age     65
Birth Date     Jan 1835
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1900     Grant, Marion, Kansas
Sheet Number     5
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation     97
Family Number     99
Race     White
Gender     Male
Immigration Year     1848
Relation to Head of House     Head
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Frederika Klemme
Marriage Year     1882
Years Married     18
Father's Birthplace     Germany
Mother's Birthplace     Germany
Years in US     52
Occupation     Farmer
Can Read     Y
Can Write     Y
Can Speak English     Y
House Owned or Rented     Own
Farm or House     F.6
1900 US Census - Grant, Marion, KS ED90 - Klemme, August
1 March 1905Grant, Marion, KansasHe and Frederika Buthe appeared on the census of 1 March 1905 at Grant, Marion, Kansas.
25 April 1910Marion Ward 2, Marion, KansasAugust Chris Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Marion Ward 2, Marion, Kansas, Name     August Klemme
Age in 1910     75
Birth Date     1835
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1910     Marion Ward 2, Marion, Kansas, USA
Sheet Number     11a
Race     White
Gender     Male
Immigration Year     1849
Relation to Head of House     Head
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Fredarica Klemmer
Father's Birthplace     Germany
Mother's Birthplace     Germany
Native Tongue     English
Occupation     Own Income
Home Owned or Rented     Rent
Farm or House     House
Naturalization Status     Naturalized
Able to read     Y
Able to Write     Y
Enumeration District Number     0063
Years Married     29
Enumerated Year     1910.7
1915State census, Marion, Marion, KansasHe and Frederika Buthe appeared on the census of 1915 at State census, Marion, Marion, Kansas.
1915 state census, Marion county, KS - Klemme, August
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo.
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo-Colorized
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo - back of photo
11 July 1848New YorkAugust Chris Klemme immigrated with Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker on 11 July 1848 at New York; Heinrich Klemme came to America in 1848 with seven children.
Arrival Date: 11 Jul 1848
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Bremen
Place of Origin: Deutschland
Ship: Davenport
Family Identification: 1141422
(Also reported as "The ship was Brig Reform. It left from Bremen, Germany on 5-9-1848 and arrived in New York on 6-28-1848. #330 Christian Klemme of Sabbenhausen house # 39 occupation farmer, with wife and seven children. Page S-135.")
27 October 1899Marion, KansasOn 27 October 1899 at Marion, Kansas, A C Klemme, who has had his thrashing machine in Iowa several months, returned home last week.
A C Klemme, who has had his thrashing machine in Iowa several months, returned home last week 27 Oct 1899 Marion Record (Marion, KS)
circa 1900Circa 1900 Klemme family photo including H F Klemme family.
Klemme family photo including H F Klemme family - circa 1900-Colorized
Klemme family photo including H F Klemme family - circa 1900
4 May 1900Marion, KansasOn 4 May 1900 at Marion, Kansas, A C Klemme is selling out at cost, preparatory to moving to Iowa.
A C Klemme is selling out at cost, preparatory to moving to Iowa 04 May 1900 Marion Record (Marion, KS)
25 May 1900Marion, KansasOn 25 May 1900 at Marion, Kansas, August Klemme, of Elk, is selling out his stock of merchandise, and will (move) to Iowa in June.
August Klemme, of Elk, is selling out his stock of merchandise, and will (move) to Iowa in June 25 May 1900 Marion Record (Marion, KS)
January 1910In January 1910 H F Klemme and his brother A C Klemme (Jr) departed for Marion, Kansas, to visit their aged father, A C Klemme (Sr.)
January 1915Marion, KansasIn January 1915 at Marion, Kansas, A C Klemme (Jr) visited his father, around 80 years old, who was recently stricken with paralysis in the legs.
Le Mars Semi Weekly Sentinel January 12, 1915 - A C Klemme (Jr) visited his father, around 80 years, who was recently stricken with paralysis in the legs

Children of August Chris Klemme and Christina Grages


  1. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Pg 8.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 116.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 1768.
  4. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 26. Dwelling 169.
  5. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. pg 28. Dwelling 219.
  6. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Grant, Marion, Kansas; Roll: 488; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 90; FHL microfilm: 1240488.
  7. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1910; Census Place: Marion Ward 2, Marion, Kansas; Roll: T624_446; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 0063; Image: 611; FHL microfilm: 1374459.

Christina Grages

F, b. circa 1844, d. July 1880
Father*Johann Friedrich Conrad Grages b. 21 Jan 1794, d. 21 Aug 1867
Mother*Catherina Dorothea Stock b. 11 Feb 1804, d. 3 Apr 1875
Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo-Colorized
Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationChristina Grages was also known as Christiana.
Married Name7 July 1861As of 7 July 1861,her married name was Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1844Christina Grages was born circa 1844 at Bokeloh, Wunstorf, Hanover, Germany.
She was the daughter of Johann Friedrich Conrad Grages and Catherina Dorothea Stock.
Marriage7 July 1861Christina Grages married August Chris Klemme, son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker, on 7 July 1861 at Zion United Church of Christ, Hanover Twp, Lake, Indiana.1
DeathJuly 1880Christina Grages died in July 1880.
Census DateLocationDescription
July 1865Washington, Will, IllinoisChristina Grages appeared on the census of July 1865 in the household of August Chris Klemme at Washington, Will, Illinois; household includes 3 male, 1 female;
under 10: 1 male (August Jr)
20-30: 1 male, 1 female (August & Christina)
50-60: 1 male (maybe father or father-in-law?)
3 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisChristina Grages was listed in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     August Cleme
[August Klemme]
Age in 1870     35
Birth Date     abt 1835
Birthplace     DEU; Leipe
Dwelling Number     169
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     474
Real Estate Value     3400.2
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo.
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo-Colorized
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo
August and Christina Grages Klemme - tin type photo - back of photo
8 June 1852Bremen, Germany to, New YorkChristina Grages immigrated with Johann Friedrich Conrad Grages and Catherina Dorothea Stock on 8 June 1852 at Bremen, Germany to, New York; surname listed as Grogis; parents were second cabin passengers, children traveled in steerage; traveled on the same ship with the Fred Behrens family and Henry Ohlendorf family;
Arrival Date:     8 Jun 1852
Place of Origin:     Germany
Port of Departure:     Bremen, Germany
Destination:     United States of America
Port of Arrival:     New York, New York
Ship Name:     Bastide.

Children of Christina Grages and August Chris Klemme


  1. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Pg 8.
  2. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 26. Dwelling 169.

August Chris Klemme Jr.

M, b. 21 March 1864, d. 2 May 1938
Father*August Chris Klemme b. 15 Jan 1835, d. 29 Nov 1915
Mother*Christina Grages b. c 1844, d. Jul 1880
August Chris Klemme Jr-Colorized
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAugust Chris Klemme Jr. was also known as Christian Heinrich Wilhelm.1
Name VariationAugust Chris Klemme Jr. was also known as A. C.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth21 March 1864August Chris Klemme Jr. was born on 21 March 1864 at Will, Illinois, May be 21 April 1864.1
Baptism1864He was baptized in 1864 at Zion United Church of Christ, Hanover, Lake, Indiana.1
He was the son of August Chris Klemme and Christina Grages.
Marriage21 January 1886August Chris Klemme Jr. married Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm, daughter of Jacob Frahm Jr. and Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde, on 21 January 1886 at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, Eagle Lake, Beecher Twp, Will, Illinois.2,3
Death2 May 1938August Chris Klemme Jr. died on 2 May 1938 at after operation for cancer, Fairmont, Minnesota, at age 74 also reported as 03 May 1938;
A.C. Klemme was born March 21, 1864, in Will County, Illinois. At an early age he became a member of the Christian church by baptism and on April 14, 1878, he was confirmed at Washington township, Will County, Ill. He lived in Will County with his parents until he reached the age of 22, when he entered the holy state of matrimony with Miss Anna Frahm on January 21, 1886. On March 1 the same year they moved to Marion County, Kansas, residing there 14 years. After that they moved on a farm near Akron, where they lived three years. Since then, they have lived on their farm three miles west of Merrill. The Lord blessed their marriage with seven children, three sons and four daughters: Reinhart, Edwin and Roy of LeMars, (Emily) Mrs. F.J. Hinrichs, Peotone, Ill; (Edith) Mrs. Martin Cord, Waterloo, Iowa; (Clara) Mrs. Harry Schrader, Peotone, Ill; (Eleanor) Mrs. Matt Koch, Fairmont, Minn. Eight years ago they took a child from a children's home in Davenport, Iowa, Irene Phillips Johnson, and gave her a home and loving care. The deceased is survived, besides his wife and children who mourn his death, by eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Also by one brother, H.F. Klemme of LeMars, and two sisters, Mrs. Tillie Schoenwaldt of Beecher, Ill., and Mrs. Charles Heldt of Grant Park, Ill. Many other relatives and friends deeply mourn his death. The deceased was a kind and devoted husband and father and had the favor of all who knew him. The departed was in poor health for some time, bearing his suffering patiently. On April 24, he was taken to Fairmont, Minn., where he underwent an operation, but in spite of all medical science and the best of care, he could not survive the same. As he became critically ill, a pastor was called to his bedside who prepared for him his departure. Knowing that the end was nearing, he was willing to depart commending his spirit into the hands of his Redeemer. On May 2 at 12:15 p.m., he passed into the peaceful beyond attaining the age of 74 years, 1 month and 11 days.

~Source: The LeMars Sentinel, May 13, 1938.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel May 6, 1938 - A C Klemme (Jr) obituary
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel May 13, 1938 - A C Klemme (Jr) obituary
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel May 3, 1938 - A C Klemme (Jr) death
Burial5 May 1938He was buried on 5 May 1938 at St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery, Johnson, Plymouth, Iowa, also reported as Adaville, Plymouth, IA.4
Probate6 June 1938His estate was probated on 6 June 1938 at Plymouth, Iowa, Probate of August C Klemme, deceased.
Lemars Globe Post May 23, 1938 - Probate of August C Klemme, deceased
Census DateLocationDescription
July 1865Washington, Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme Jr. appeared on the census of July 1865 in the household of August Chris Klemme at Washington, Will, Illinois; household includes 3 male, 1 female;
under 10: 1 male (August Jr)
20-30: 1 male, 1 female (August & Christina)
50-60: 1 male (maybe father or father-in-law?)
3 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme Jr. was listed as a son in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     August Cleme
[August Klemme]
Age in 1870     35
Birth Date     abt 1835
Birthplace     DEU; Leipe
Dwelling Number     169
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     474
Real Estate Value     3400.5
16 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisAugust Chris Klemme Jr. was listed as a son in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     August Klemme
Age     44
Birth Date     Abt 1836
Birthplace     Prussia
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     218
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Single
Father's Birthplace     Prussia
Mother's Birthplace     Prussia
Occupation     Farmer.6
2 June 1900Grant, Marion, KansasAugust Chris Klemme Jr. was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Grant, Marion, Kansas.7
1905State Census, Plymouth, IowaHe appeared on the census of 1905 at State Census, Plymouth, Iowa.
19 April 1910Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.8
1 January 1925Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaHe appeared on the census of 1 January 1925 at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.
16 April 1930Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.9
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena Frahm Klemme.
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena Frahm Klemme-Colorized
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena (Frahm) Klemme
1900August Chris Klemme Jr. was a blacksmith in 1900.
May 1900Plymouth, IowaIn May 1900 at Plymouth, Iowa, Mr A C Klemme Jr from Kansas, a cousin of August Klemme, proposes to engage in the blacksmithing business.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel May 28, 1900 - Mr A C Klemme Jr from Kansas, a cousin of August Klemme, proposes to engage in the blacksmithing business
1906Merrill, Plymouth Township, Plymouth, IowaIn 1906 at Merrill, Plymouth Township, Plymouth, Iowa, 1906 Atlas - Names of leading farmers in Plymouth County, Iowa.
January 1910In January 1910 H F Klemme and his brother A C Klemme (Jr) departed for Marion, Kansas, to visit their aged father, A C Klemme (Sr.)
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel January 7, 1910 - H F Klemme and his brother A C Klemme departed for Marion, Kansas, to visit their aged father
15 July 1910LeMars SentinelOn 15 July 1910 at LeMars Sentinel Mrs. and Mrs. H. F. Klemme and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jacobs and daughters, Ella and Violet, came down from Spink, S.D., Monday in their auto to visit at the A.C. Klemme home near Merrill.
January 1915Marion, KansasIn January 1915 at Marion, Kansas, A C Klemme (Jr) visited his father, around 80 years old, who was recently stricken with paralysis in the legs.
Le Mars Semi Weekly Sentinel January 12, 1915 - A C Klemme (Jr) visited his father, around 80 years, who was recently stricken with paralysis in the legs
after 29 November 1915Grant Cemetery, Marion, Marion, KansasHe witnessed the burial of August Chris Klemme after 29 November 1915 at Grant Cemetery, Marion, Marion, Kansas; Plot: 4, Lot 23, SE 4.
September 1932Sacred Heart Hospital, Plymouth, IowaIn September 1932 at Sacred Heart Hospital, Plymouth, Iowa, Mr and Mrs A C Klemme visiting his brother H F Klemme who is recuperating from a recent operation.
Lemars Globe Post September 8, 1932 - Mr and Mrs A C Klemme visiting his brother H F Klemme who is recuperating from a recent operation
26 November 1935Plymouth, IowaOn 26 November 1935 at Plymouth, Iowa, August and Wilhelmine (Buehre) Klemme 50th wedding anniversary celebration.
21 January 1936Plymouth, IowaOn 21 January 1936 at Plymouth, Iowa, A C and Anna (Frahm) Klemme 50th wedding anniversary.
Lemars Globe Post January 30, 1936 - A C and Anna (Frahm) Klemme 50th wedding anniversary
21 January 1936On 21 January 1936 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Klemme celebrated their golden wedding, January 21, 1936. It was held in the Johnson township Lutheran church. (LeMars Globe Post, January 30, 1936, Lemars, Iowa.)
November 1936Plymouth, IowaIn November 1936 at Plymouth, Iowa, Thanksgiving guests at the H F Klemme home.

Children of August Chris Klemme Jr. and Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm


  1. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Pg 126. No 14.
  2. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, No. 162 Page. 248 No. 1.
  3. [S186] Illinois, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, license 11177.
  4. [S239] Iowa Grave Records of Plymouth County Grave Records, by Iowa, Page: 55, Name: August Klemme, Death Date: 1938, Age: 74, Cemetery: St. Paul Lutheran, Town: Johnson, Comment: Lot --.
  5. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 26. Dwelling 169.
  6. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. pg 28. Dwelling 219.
  7. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Grant, Marion, Kansas; Roll: 488; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 90; FHL microfilm: 1240488.
  8. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED118. Sheet 16A. Stamp 196.
  9. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED75-26. Dwelling 10.

O'Tillie E. Klemme

F, b. 12 December 1869, d. 30 January 1951
Father*August Chris Klemme b. 15 Jan 1835, d. 29 Nov 1915
Mother*Christina Grages b. c 1844, d. Jul 1880
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationO'Tillie E. Klemme was also known as Otillie.
Name VariationO'Tillie E. Klemme was also known as Tillie.
Name VariationO'Tillie E. Klemme was also known as Tilla.
Name VariationO'Tillie E. Klemme was also known as Louisa.
Married Name3 June 1889As of 3 June 1889,her married name was Dotz.
Married Name3 June 1889As of 3 June 1889,her married name was Dody.
Married Name3 June 1889As of 3 June 1889,her married name was Doty.
Married Name28 December 1892As of 28 December 1892,her married name was Schoenwald.1
Life EventDateDescription
Birth12 December 1869O'Tillie E. Klemme was born on 12 December 1869 at Illinois also reported as Indiana.
She was the daughter of August Chris Klemme and Christina Grages.
Marriage3 June 1889O'Tillie E. Klemme married John H. Dody on 3 June 1889 at Marion, Kansas, Marriage license of John Dody and Tilla Klemme.
Marriage license of John Dody and Tilla Klemme - Marion Record (Marion, KS) 7 June 1889
Marriage28 December 1892O'Tillie E. Klemme married Ferdinand Schoenwald, son of Wilhelm F. Schoenwald and Ernestina Hotzmann, on 28 December 1892 at 2nd marriage for her; 1st for him, Kankakee, Illinois.1
Death30 January 1951O'Tillie E. Klemme died on 30 January 1951 at home of her son William, Illinois, at age 81 Tillie Schoenwald obituary.
Chicago Star Publications February 6, 1951 - Tillie Schoenwald obituary
Burial4 February 1951She was buried on 4 February 1951 at Heusing Cemetery, Sumner, Kankakee, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
3 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as a daughter in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     August Cleme
[August Klemme]
Age in 1870     35
Birth Date     abt 1835
Birthplace     DEU; Leipe
Dwelling Number     169
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     474
Real Estate Value     3400.2
16 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as a daughter in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     August Klemme
Age     44
Birth Date     Abt 1836
Birthplace     Prussia
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     218
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Single
Father's Birthplace     Prussia
Mother's Birthplace     Prussia
Occupation     Farmer.3
9 June 1900Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as wife in Ferdinand Schoenwald's household on the 1900 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.4
27 April 1910Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as wife in Ferdinand Schoenwald's household on the 1910 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.5
16 January 1920Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as wife in Ferdinand Schoenwald's household on the 1920 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.6
2 May 1930Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as wife in Ferdinand Schoenwald's household on the 1930 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.7
8 April 1940Beecher, Will, IllinoisO'Tillie E. Klemme was listed as mother-in-law in Edward Albert Scheiman's household on the 1940 Census at Beecher, Will, Illinois.8
2 January 1891Grant Cemetery, Marion, Marion, KansasO'Tillie E. Klemme witnessed the burial of John H. Dody on 2 January 1891 at Grant Cemetery, Marion, Marion, Kansas; also reported as Youngtown Cemetery, Grant, KS.
April 1910O'Tillie E. Klemme had 6 with 5 living in April 1910 children.

Child of O'Tillie E. Klemme and John H. Dody

Children of O'Tillie E. Klemme and Ferdinand Schoenwald


  1. [S4] Illinois, Illinois Marriages to 1850, Vol 00B/ License 00004963.
  2. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 26. Dwelling 169.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. pg 28. Dwelling 219.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED55. Dwelling 155.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED122. Sheet 17A. Stamp 197.
  6. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Page 8A. ED137.
  7. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED46-50. Dwelling 7.
  8. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1940; Census Place: Beecher, Will, Illinois; Roll: T627_909; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 99-107.

Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm

F, b. 18 December 1868, d. 12 April 1940
Father*Jacob Frahm Jr. b. 16 Aug 1842, d. 21 Jun 1922
Mother*Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde b. 2 Feb 1846, d. 4 May 1879
Mrs August Chris Klemme Jr (Anna Magdalena Frahm)-Colorized
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name21 January 1886As of 21 January 1886,her married name was Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth18 December 1868Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was born on 18 December 1868 at Beecher, Will, Illinois, also reported as 18 Dec 1867.
She was the daughter of Jacob Frahm Jr. and Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde.
Baptism1 June 1869Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was baptized on 1 June 1869 at St. John UCC by Rev. Reinicke, Eagle Lake, Will, Illinois.
Marriage21 January 1886She married August Chris Klemme Jr., son of August Chris Klemme and Christina Grages, on 21 January 1886 at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, Eagle Lake, Beecher Twp, Will, Illinois.1,2
Death12 April 1940Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm died on 12 April 1940 at at hospital from stroke, Fairmont, Minnesota, at age 71 Anna (Frahm) Klemme obituary; also reported as Akron, Iowa.
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel April 16, 1940 - Anna (Frahm) Klemme obituary
Lemars Semi Weekly Sentinel April 16, 1940 - Anna (Frahm) Klemme funeral
Burial15 April 1940She was buried on 15 April 1940 at Saint Paul Lutheran Cemetery, Adaville, Plymouth, Iowa, also reported as Merrill, IA.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Fram
Age in 1870     27
Birth Date     abt 1843
Birthplace     Scn; Pru
Dwelling Number     174
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     1970
Real Estate Value     5000.3
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed as a daughter in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.4
2 June 1900Grant, Marion, KansasAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed as wife in August Chris Klemme Jr.'s household on the 1900 Census at Grant, Marion, Kansas.5
19 April 1910Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed as wife in August Chris Klemme Jr.'s household on the 1910 Census at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.6
1 January 1925Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm appeared on the census of 1 January 1925 in the household of August Chris Klemme Jr. at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.
16 April 1930Plymouth, Plymouth, IowaAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed as wife in August Chris Klemme Jr.'s household on the 1930 Census at Plymouth, Plymouth, Iowa.7
10 April 1940Fairmont, Martin, MinnesotaAnna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm was listed as mother-in-law in Matthew P. Koch's household on the 1940 Census at Fairmont, Martin, Minnesota.8
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena Frahm Klemme.
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena Frahm Klemme-Colorized
August Chris Klemme Jr and his wife Anna Magdalena (Frahm) Klemme
June 1900Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm had 4 with 4 living in June 1900 children.
September 1932Sacred Heart Hospital, Plymouth, IowaIn September 1932 at Sacred Heart Hospital, Plymouth, Iowa, Mr and Mrs A C Klemme visiting his brother H F Klemme who is recuperating from a recent operation.
August 1933Plymouth, IowaIn August 1933 at Plymouth, Iowa, Mrs Julius Christiansen and Sophia Frahm visiting their aunt Mrs H F Klemme; also nieces of Mrs A C Klemme and Henry Frahm.
21 January 1936On 21 January 1936 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Klemme celebrated their golden wedding, January 21, 1936. It was held in the Johnson township Lutheran church. (LeMars Globe Post, January 30, 1936, Lemars, Iowa.)
November 1936Plymouth, IowaIn November 1936 at Plymouth, Iowa, Thanksgiving guests at the H F Klemme home.
6 June 1938Plymouth, IowaShe was listed as a beneficiary in August Chris Klemme Jr.'s will on 6 June 1938 at Plymouth, Iowa; Probate of August C Klemme, deceased.
January 1939In January 1939 Ronald Klemme is spending his vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Klemme, and other relatives and friends at Fairmont, Minnesota.
Lemars Globe Post January 5, 1939 - Ronald Klemme is spending his vacation with his grandmother, Mrs A C Klemme at Fairmont, Minn.

Children of Anna Magdalena Ida Maria Frahm and August Chris Klemme Jr.


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, No. 162 Page. 248 No. 1.
  2. [S186] Illinois, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, license 11177.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 27. Dwelling 174.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Grant, Marion, Kansas; Roll: 488; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 90; FHL microfilm: 1240488.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED118. Sheet 16A. Stamp 196.
  7. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED75-26. Dwelling 10.
  8. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1940; Census Place: Fairmont, Martin, Minnesota; Roll: T627_1937; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 46-9A.

Jacob Frahm

M, b. 19 July 1804, d. 9 October 1881
Father*Jacob Frahm b. Feb 1769, d. 19 May 1828
Mother*Magdalena Eggers b. 1778, d. 28 Dec 1844
Life EventDateDescription
Birth19 July 1804Jacob Frahm was born on 19 July 1804 at Friedrichsholm, Rendsburg-Eckernforde, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, also reported as Friedrichsholm, Holstein, Prussia (birth city listed in Hamburg Passenger List.)
He was the son of Jacob Frahm and Magdalena Eggers.
Marriagebefore 1835Jacob Frahm married Anna Maria Dorothea Greve, daughter of Jochim Hinrich Wilhelm Greve and Maria Dorothea Magaretha Dählingen, before 1835.
Death9 October 1881Jacob Frahm died on 9 October 1881 at Eagle Lake, Beecher, Washington Twp, Will, Illinois, at age 77.1
Burialafter 9 October 1881He was buried after 9 October 1881 at Saint Johns Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (aka St. Johns Cemetery), Eagle Lake, Beecher Twp, Will, Illinois.2
Census DateLocationDescription
1835Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkJacob Frahm appeared on the census of 1835 at Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark, Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     31
Birth Date:     abt 1804
Residence Date:     1835
Residence Address:     18. Kolonist Haus
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Kolonist Und Schiffer.3
1835 census Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark - Jacob and Anna (Greve) Frahm and Magdalena (Eggers) Frahm
1840Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkHe appeared on the census of 1840 at Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark, Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     37
Birth Date:     abt 1803
Residence Date:     1840
Residence Address:     17 Kolonistenh.
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Kolonist Und Schiffer.4
1840 census Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark - Jacob and Anna (Greve) Frahm and Magdalena (Eggers) Frahm
1845Colonie Friedrichsholm, Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkHe appeared on the census of 1845 at Colonie Friedrichsholm, Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark, Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     41
Birth Date:     abt 1804
Birth Place:     Hieselbst
Residence Date:     1845
Residence Address:     24. Kolonistenhaus
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Besitzer Der Kolonisten Stelle
Family Number:     13.5
1845 census Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark - Jacob and Anna (Greve) Frahm family - extract
1845 census Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark - Jacob and Anna (Greve) Frahm family
26 July 1860Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois, Name     Jacob Fromn
[Jacob Frahm]
Age     56
Birth Year     abt 1804
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1764
Family Number     1677
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     2000
Personal Estate Value     400.6
5 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisHe was listed in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Fram
Age in 1870     27
Birth Date     abt 1843
Birthplace     Scn; Pru
Dwelling Number     174
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     1970
Real Estate Value     5000.7
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisJacob Frahm was listed as Father in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.8
29 April 1852Hamburg, Germany to, New YorkJacob Frahm and Anna Maria Dorothea Greve immigrated on 29 April 1852 to Hamburg, Germany to, New York, Arrival Date: 29 Apr 1852
Place of Origin: Germany
Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany
Date of Departure: 1 Apr 1852
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States
Ship Name: Rhein.
New York Passenger Lists 1852 April 29 - ship Rhein - Jacob Frahm
Hamburg Passenger Lists 01 Apr 1852 - Ship Rhein - Jacob Frahm and family

Children of Jacob Frahm and Anna Maria Dorothea Greve


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Death Pg 277. Number 9. 1881.
  2. [S194] Beecher Will Co IL, Burials,
  3. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1835, Slesvig.
  4. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1840, Slesvig.
  5. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1845, Slesvig.
  6. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Washington, Will, Illinois; Roll: M653_238; Page: 464; Family History Library Film: 803238
    Pg 233. Dwelling 1764.
  7. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 27. Dwelling 174.
  8. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.

Anna Maria Dorothea Greve1

F, b. 28 September 1808, d. 7 August 1889
Father*Jochim Hinrich Wilhelm Greve b. 20 Apr 1788
Mother*Maria Dorothea Magaretha Dählingen b. 26 May 1788, d. 24 Aug 1857
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAnna Maria Dorothea Greve was also known as Graves.
Married Namebefore 1835As of before 1835,her married name was Frahm.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth28 September 1808Anna Maria Dorothea Greve was born on 28 September 1808 at Niendorf, Ritteramt Boizenburg, Holstein, Prussia, also reported as Sep 1807.2
She was the daughter of Jochim Hinrich Wilhelm Greve and Maria Dorothea Magaretha Dählingen.
Baptism29 September 1808Anna Maria Dorothea Greve was baptized on 29 September 1808 at Evangelische Kirche Blücher, Blücher u Boizenburg, Mecklenburg, Deutschland.2
Baptism record of Anna Maria Dorothea Greve - 29 Sep 1808 - Evangelische Kirche Blücher, Deutschland
Marriagebefore 1835She married Jacob Frahm, son of Jacob Frahm and Magdalena Eggers, before 1835.
Death7 August 1889Anna Maria Dorothea Greve died on 7 August 1889 at Eagle Lake, Beecher, Washington Twp, Will, Illinois, at age 80 St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pg 288. Number 9. 1889 Frahm, Anna (widow) 3 children, 19 grand children, 7 great-grand-children. 81y, 11m.3
Burialafter 7 August 1889She was buried after 7 August 1889 at Saint Johns Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (aka St. Johns Cemetery), Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
August 1819Niendorf, Ritteramt Boizenburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, GermanyAnna Maria Dorothea Greve appeared on the census of August 1819 in the household of Jochim Hinrich Wilhelm Greve at Niendorf, Ritteramt Boizenburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany.
1835Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkAnna Maria Dorothea Greve appeared on the census of 1835 in the household of Jacob Frahm at Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark; Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     31
Birth Date:     abt 1804
Residence Date:     1835
Residence Address:     18. Kolonist Haus
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Kolonist Und Schiffer.4
1840Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkAnna Maria Dorothea Greve appeared on the census of 1840 in the household of Jacob Frahm at Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark; Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     37
Birth Date:     abt 1803
Residence Date:     1840
Residence Address:     17 Kolonistenh.
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Kolonist Und Schiffer.5
1845Colonie Friedrichsholm, Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, DenmarkAnna Maria Dorothea Greve appeared on the census of 1845 in the household of Jacob Frahm at Colonie Friedrichsholm, Hohn, Hytten, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark; Name:     Jacob Frahm
Gender:     Mandlig (Male)
Marital Status:     Verheiratet (Married)
Age:     41
Birth Date:     abt 1804
Birth Place:     Hieselbst
Residence Date:     1845
Residence Address:     24. Kolonistenhaus
Residence Place:     Danmark (Denmark)
Occupation:     Besitzer Der Kolonisten Stelle
Family Number:     13.6
26 July 1860Washington, Will, IllinoisAnna Maria Dorothea Greve was listed in Jacob Frahm's household on the 1860 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Fromn
[Jacob Frahm]
Age     56
Birth Year     abt 1804
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1764
Family Number     1677
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     2000
Personal Estate Value     400.7
5 September 1870Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisAnna Maria Dorothea Greve was listed in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1870 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Fram
Age in 1870     27
Birth Date     abt 1843
Birthplace     Scn; Pru
Dwelling Number     174
Home in 1870     Washington, Will, Illinois
Race     White
Gender     Male
Post Office     Washington Center
Occupation     Farmer
Father of Foreign Birth     Yes
Mother of Foreign Birth     Yes
Male Citizen Over 21     Yes
Personal Estate Value     1970
Real Estate Value     5000.8
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisAnna Maria Dorothea Greve was listed as a Mother in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.9
1823Lutheran Church, Blücher u Boizenburg, Mecklenburg, GermanyAnna Maria Dorothea Greve was confirmed in 1823 at Lutheran Church, Blücher u Boizenburg, Mecklenburg, Germany.10
Confirmation record of Anna Maria Dorothea Greve 1823 Blücher u Boizenburg, Mecklenburg, Germany
29 April 1852Hamburg, Germany to, New YorkShe and Jacob Frahm immigrated on 29 April 1852 to Hamburg, Germany to, New York, Arrival Date: 29 Apr 1852
Place of Origin: Germany
Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany
Date of Departure: 1 Apr 1852
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States
Ship Name: Rhein.
New York Passenger Lists 1852 April 29 - ship Rhein - Jacob Frahm
Hamburg Passenger Lists 01 Apr 1852 - Ship Rhein - Jacob Frahm and family

Children of Anna Maria Dorothea Greve and Jacob Frahm


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Death pg 288.
  2. [S407] Lutheran Church, German Lutheran Church Records 1500-1971, Mecklenburg Blücher u Boizenburg Taufen, Heiraten u Tote 1787-1874. Page number 224;225. Film number 69002.
  3. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Death pg 288.
  4. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1835, Slesvig.
  5. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1840, Slesvig.
  6. [S425] The Danish National Archives; Census Records, The Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet; København, Danmark; Folketælling 1845, Slesvig.
  7. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Washington, Will, Illinois; Roll: M653_238; Page: 464; Family History Library Film: 803238
    Pg 233. Dwelling 1764.
  8. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 27. Dwelling 174.
  9. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.
  10. [S407] Lutheran Church, German Lutheran Church Records 1500-1971, Mecklenburg Blücher u Boizenburg Taufen, Heiraten u Tote 1787-1874. Image 275 of 761.

Heinrich Christian Klemme

M, b. 23 October 1793, d. 25 March 1870
Father*Johann Christian Klemme b. 10 Mar 1762, d. 9 Mar 1823
Mother*Sophia Christine M. Herbst b. 5 Sep 1772, d. 19 Mar 1848
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationHeinrich Christian Klemme was also known as Johann Christian.
Name VariationHeinrich Christian Klemme was also known as Christian.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 October 1793Heinrich Christian Klemme was born on 23 October 1793 at Sabbenhausen, Lippe Detmold, Germany.1
He was the son of Johann Christian Klemme and Sophia Christine M. Herbst.
Baptism27 October 1793Heinrich Christian Klemme was baptized on 27 October 1793 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Lippe, Germany.1
Marriage19 March 1824He married Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker, daughter of Johann Friederich Christoph Brenker and Elisabeth Richtsmeyer, on 19 March 1824 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Schwalenburg, Lippe, Germany, As reported by LuIda Klemme Abrahamson 2-2002.2
Death25 March 1870Heinrich Christian Klemme died on 25 March 1870 at Endor, Crete Twp, Will, Illinois, at age 76.
Burial28 March 1870He was buried on 28 March 1870 at Zion Cemetery, Hanover Twp, Lake, Indiana.3
Census DateLocationDescription
21 September 1850Crete, Will, IllinoisHeinrich Christian Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois, Name     Christian Clemens
[Christian Klemme]
Gender     Male
Race     White
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1790
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1850     Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Occupation     Farmer
Industry     Agriculture
Real Estate     500
Line Number     22
Dwelling Number     116
Family Number     117.4
1850 US Census - Crete, Will, IL - Klemme (Clemenz), Christian
26 July 1860Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, Illinois, Name     Christian Clemme
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1800
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1768
Family Number     1681
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     1200
Personal Estate Value     450.5
1860 US Census - Washington, Will, IL - Christian Clemme (Klemme)
Heinrich Christian Klemme was a brick layer.
11 July 1848New YorkHe and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker immigrated on 11 July 1848 to New York Heinrich Klemme came to America in 1848 with seven children.
Arrival Date: 11 Jul 1848
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Bremen
Place of Origin: Deutschland
Ship: Davenport
Family Identification: 1141422
(Also reported as "The ship was Brig Reform. It left from Bremen, Germany on 5-9-1848 and arrived in New York on 6-28-1848. #330 Christian Klemme of Sabbenhausen house # 39 occupation farmer, with wife and seven children. Page S-135.")
New York Passenger List - 11 Jul 1848 - Ship Davenport - Christian Klemme, wife and 7 children
1 March 1850Section 5, Township: 33-N, Range: 15-E, Will, IllinoisHeinrich Christian Klemme purchased land on 1 March 1850 at Section 5, Township: 33-N, Range: 15-E, Will, Illinois.
Land Contract for Christian Klemme - T33N, R15E, Will, IL - 01 Mar 1850

Children of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker


  1. [S404] Germany Baptisms and Baptisms Digital Archives, by, FHL Film Number:     809903.
  2. [S404] Germany Baptisms and Baptisms Digital Archives, by, FHL Film Number:     809903
    Reference ID:     2:DNLTD5.
  3. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, pg 90
  4. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 116.
  5. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 1768.

Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker

F, b. 19 February 1802, d. after July 1870
Father*Johann Friederich Christoph Brenker b. Apr 1777
Mother*Elisabeth Richtsmeyer
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was also known as Caroline.
Name VariationAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was also known as Elisabeth.
Name VariationAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was also known as Elizabeth.
Married Name19 March 1824As of 19 March 1824,her married name was Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth19 February 1802Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was born on 19 February 1802 at Ratsiek, Schwalenberg, Lippe, Germany.
She was the daughter of Johann Friederich Christoph Brenker and Elisabeth Richtsmeyer.
Baptism21 February 1802Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was baptized on 21 February 1802 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Lippe, Germany.
Marriage19 March 1824She married Heinrich Christian Klemme, son of Johann Christian Klemme and Sophia Christine M. Herbst, on 19 March 1824 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Schwalenburg, Lippe, Germany, As reported by LuIda Klemme Abrahamson 2-2002.1
Deathafter July 1870Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker died after July 1870.
Census DateLocationDescription
21 September 1850Crete, Will, IllinoisAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1850 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemens
[Christian Klemme]
Gender     Male
Race     White
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1790
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1850     Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Occupation     Farmer
Industry     Agriculture
Real Estate     500
Line Number     22
Dwelling Number     116
Family Number     117.2
26 July 1860Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, IllinoisAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1860 Census at Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemme
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1800
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1768
Family Number     1681
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     1200
Personal Estate Value     450.3
25 July 1870Crete, Will, IllinoisAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme Jr.'s household on the 1870 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois.4
11 July 1848New YorkAnna Marie Elizabeth Brenker and Heinrich Christian Klemme immigrated on 11 July 1848 to New York Heinrich Klemme came to America in 1848 with seven children.
Arrival Date: 11 Jul 1848
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Bremen
Place of Origin: Deutschland
Ship: Davenport
Family Identification: 1141422
(Also reported as "The ship was Brig Reform. It left from Bremen, Germany on 5-9-1848 and arrived in New York on 6-28-1848. #330 Christian Klemme of Sabbenhausen house # 39 occupation farmer, with wife and seven children. Page S-135.")
New York Passenger List - 11 Jul 1848 - Ship Davenport - Christian Klemme, wife and 7 children

Children of Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker and Heinrich Christian Klemme


  1. [S404] Germany Baptisms and Baptisms Digital Archives, by, FHL Film Number:     809903
    Reference ID:     2:DNLTD5.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 116.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 1768.
  4. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 206. Page 32.

Wiliam Klemme

M, b. circa 1842
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1842Wiliam Klemme was born circa 1842 at Germany.
Census DateLocationDescription
between 1862 and 1863US Civil War Manpower Census, Washington, Will, IllinoisWiliam Klemme appeared on the census of between 1862 and 1863 at US Civil War Manpower Census, Washington, Will, Illinois, Able Bodied Male Citizens: 084 Klemme, William, 21, Washington, Germany Farmer.

Carl Frederick Klemme

M, b. 5 December 1847, d. 3 April 1914
Father*Heinrich Christian Klemme b. 23 Oct 1793, d. 25 Mar 1870
Mother*Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker b. 19 Feb 1802, d. a Jul 1870
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationCarl Frederick Klemme was also known as Charles.
Name VariationCarl Frederick Klemme was also known as Karl Frederick.
Name VariationCarl Frederick Klemme was also known as August Karl.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth5 December 1847Carl Frederick Klemme was born on 5 December 1847 at Sabbenhausen, Lippe Detmold, Germany, also reported as Nov 1847.
He was the son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker.
Marriage10 May 1868Carl Frederick Klemme married Dorothea Moeller on 10 May 1868.1
Death3 April 1914Carl Frederick Klemme died on 3 April 1914 at age 66 Charles Klemme death notice.
Chicago Star Publications April 9, 1914 - Charles Klemme death notice
Herald News (Joliet, Illinois) 15 Apr 1914 - Carl Klemme funeral notice
Burial7 April 1914He was buried on 7 April 1914 at Saint Luke Cemetery, Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
21 September 1850Crete, Will, IllinoisCarl Frederick Klemme was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1850 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemens
[Christian Klemme]
Gender     Male
Race     White
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1790
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1850     Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Occupation     Farmer
Industry     Agriculture
Real Estate     500
Line Number     22
Dwelling Number     116
Family Number     117.2
26 July 1860Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, IllinoisCarl Frederick Klemme was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1860 Census at Washington (Crete Post Office), Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemme
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1800
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Germany
Home in 1860     Washington, Will, Illinois
Post Office     Crete
Dwelling Number     1768
Family Number     1681
Occupation     Farmer
Real Estate Value     1200
Personal Estate Value     450.3
2 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisCarl Frederick Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.5
6 May 1910Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as Father in Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme's household on the 1910 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.6
11 July 1848New YorkCarl Frederick Klemme immigrated with Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker on 11 July 1848 at New York; Heinrich Klemme came to America in 1848 with seven children.
Arrival Date: 11 Jul 1848
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Bremen
Place of Origin: Deutschland
Ship: Davenport
Family Identification: 1141422
(Also reported as "The ship was Brig Reform. It left from Bremen, Germany on 5-9-1848 and arrived in New York on 6-28-1848. #330 Christian Klemme of Sabbenhausen house # 39 occupation farmer, with wife and seven children. Page S-135.")
1909In 1909 landowner in Washington, Will, Illinois.
Indexed County Land Ownership Map 1909 Washington, Will, Illinois - Charles Klemme

Children of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller


  1. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Marriage no 29.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 116.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 1768.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Dwelling 3. Pg 2.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED198. Stamp 11. Dwelling 202. Sheet 11A.
  7. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 143.
  8. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, confirmation pg 151.
  9. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 150.

Johann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm

M, b. 31 January 1872, d. 5 December 1946
Father*Jacob Frahm Jr. b. 16 Aug 1842, d. 21 Jun 1922
Mother*Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde b. 2 Feb 1846, d. 4 May 1879
John Frahm 1899
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationJohann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm was also known as John.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth31 January 1872Johann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm was born on 31 January 1872 at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois.1
He was the son of Jacob Frahm Jr. and Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde.
Baptism11 February 1872Johann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm was baptized on 11 February 1872 at St. John UCC by Rev. Reinicke, Eagle Lake, Will, Illinois.
Marriage14 February 1899He married Sophia Pfingsten, daughter of Heinrick Pfingsten and Sophie Schaper, on 14 February 1899 at Kankakee, Illinois.2
John and Sophia (Pfingsten) Frahm wedding 14 Feb 1899
Death5 December 1946Johann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm died on 5 December 1946 at Peotone, Will, Illinois, at age 74.
Burialafter 5 December 1946He was buried after 5 December 1946 at St. Paul Lutheran Church Cemetery, Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisJohann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm was listed as a son in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.3
7 February 1920Washington, Will, IllinoisJohann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
11 April 1930Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.5
August 1941Plymouth, IowaIn August 1941 at Plymouth, Iowa, John Frahm and Ida Hinrichs visited their sister Mrs H F Klemme.
Lemars Globe Post August 14, 1941 - John Frahm and Ida Hinrichs visited their sister Mrs H F Klemme

Children of Johann Jacob Bernhard Friedrich Frahm and Sophia Pfingsten


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 144.
  2. [S186] Illinois, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, volume 00C, license 00006789.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED207. Sheet 9B. Dwelling 186.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED99-84. Dwelling 92.

Jacob Heinrich Frahm

M, b. 23 March 1874, d. 10 October 1950
Father*Jacob Frahm Jr. b. 16 Aug 1842, d. 21 Jun 1922
Mother*Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde b. 2 Feb 1846, d. 4 May 1879
Jacob Frahm 1901
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationJacob Heinrich Frahm was also known as J. H. Jr.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 March 1874Jacob Heinrich Frahm was born on 23 March 1874 at Eagle Lake, Illinois.1
He was the son of Jacob Frahm Jr. and Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde.
Baptism14 June 1874Jacob Heinrich Frahm was baptized on 14 June 1874 at St. John UCC by Rev. Reinicke, Eagle Lake, Will, Illinois.
Marriage8 September 1901He married Clara Balgemann, daughter of Henry Balgemann and Louise Bultman, on 8 September 1901 at Kankakee, Illinois.
Jacob and Clara (Balgemann) Frahm wedding 08 Sep 1901
Death10 October 1950Jacob Heinrich Frahm died on 10 October 1950 at Beecher, Will, Illinois, at age 76.2
Burialafter 10 October 1950He was buried after 10 October 1950 at Saint Johns Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (aka St. John's Cemetery), Eagle Lake, Beecher Twp, Will, Illinois.3
Census DateLocationDescription
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisJacob Heinrich Frahm was listed as a son in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.4
6 June 1900Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisJacob Heinrich Frahm was listed as a son in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1900 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     57
Birth Date     Aug 1842
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1900     Washington, Will, Illinois
Sheet Number     3
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation     06
Family Number     56
Race     White
Gender     Male
Immigration Year     1852
Relation to Head of House     Head
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Fra
Marriage Year     1879
Years Married     21
Father's Birthplace     Germany
Mother's Birthplace     Germany
Years in US     48
Naturalization     Naturalized
Occupation     Farmer
Months Not Employed     0
Can Read     Y
Can Write     Y
Can Speak English     Y
House Owned or Rented     Own
Home Free or Mortgaged     F
Farm or House     F
; According to the 1900 Census, Jacob immigrated in 1852 and has lived in the US for 48 years. He was a naturalized citizen by that time.5
3 May 1910Washington, Will, IllinoisJacob Heinrich Frahm was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.6
22 January 1920Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.7
5 April 1930Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.8

Children of Jacob Heinrich Frahm and Clara Balgemann


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 146.
  2. [S238] Illinois Death Records, by Illinois, certificate 0043951.
  3. [S194] Beecher Will Co IL, Burials.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED147. Dwelling 56.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, Sheet 9B. ED198. Dwelling 170.
  7. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED207. Stamp 221. Dwelling 106. Sheet 6A.
  8. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED99-84. Dwelling 43.

Herman Frahm

M, b. 24 August 1878, d. 6 March 1968
Father*Jacob Frahm Jr. b. 16 Aug 1842, d. 21 Jun 1922
Mother*Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde b. 2 Feb 1846, d. 4 May 1879
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationHerman Frahm was also known as Henry.
Name VariationHerman Frahm was also known as Hermann.1
SOCIALSECUHerman Frahm obtained US Social Security Card; Issued: Long-time or retired railroad workers.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth24 August 1878Herman Frahm was born on 24 August 1878 at Eagle Lake, Will, Illinois.2
He was the son of Jacob Frahm Jr. and Margaretha Catharina Dorothea Fedde.
Baptism22 September 1878Herman Frahm was baptized on 22 September 1878 at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Eagle Lake, Beecher, Washington Twp, Will, Illinois, Baptism Pg 065. No. 19. 1878. Hermann Frahm born 24 Aug 1878. Father: Jakob, Mother: Fette, Margarethe.
Marriage17 November 1901He married Bertha Sophia Balgemann, daughter of Henry Balgemann and Louise Bultman, on 17 November 1901 at Kankakee, Illinois.
Marriage10 February 1920Herman Frahm married Martha Raitz on 10 February 1920.
Marriage12 January 1941Herman Frahm married Hilma A. Graves on 12 January 1941.
Death6 March 1968Herman Frahm died on 6 March 1968 at Grant Park, Kankakee, Illinois, at age 89.
Burialafter 6 March 1968He was buried after 6 March 1968 at Saint Pauls Lutheran Cemetery (aka Petersburg Cemetery), Kankakee, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
8 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisHerman Frahm was listed as a son in Jacob Frahm Jr.'s household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     Jacob Frahm
Age     36
Birth Date     Abt 1844
Birthplace     Holstein
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     124
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Married
Spouse's Name     Anna Frahm
Father's Name     Jacob Frahm
Father's Birthplace     Hols
Mother's Name     Anna Frahm
Mother's Birthplace     Hols
Occupation     Farmer.3
6 June 1900Washington Twp, Will, IllinoisHerman Frahm was listed as a servant in Fred Erickson's household on the 1900 Census at Washington Twp, Will, Illinois.4
16 May 1910Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.5
7 January 1920Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.6
7 April 1930Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.7
1940In 1940 Highest Grade Completed     Elementary school, 4th grade.
November 1944In November 1944 Duane Leonard Frahm wins pilots wings, commission.

Children of Herman Frahm and Bertha Sophia Balgemann

Children of Herman Frahm and Martha Raitz


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Baptism pg 65.
  2. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 149.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Page 15. Dwelling 124.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 52.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED122. Stamp 189. Sheet 9A.
  6. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED137. Dwelling 43. Stamp 178.
  7. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED46-50. Dwelling 34.

Pauline Klemme

F, b. February 1873, d. 10 November 1959
Father*August Chris Klemme b. 15 Jan 1835, d. 29 Nov 1915
Mother*Christina Grages b. c 1844, d. Jul 1880
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name6 September 1891As of 6 September 1891,her married name was Heldt.
Life EventDateDescription
BirthFebruary 1873Pauline Klemme was born in February 1873 at Illinois.
She was the daughter of August Chris Klemme and Christina Grages.
Marriage6 September 1891Pauline Klemme married Charles Heldt Sr., son of Wilhelm Jochim Fredrich Carl Heldt and Johanna Sophie Caroline Staeth, on 6 September 1891 at Will, Illinois.1
Death10 November 1959Pauline Klemme died on 10 November 1959 at age 86.
Burialafter 10 November 1959She was buried after 10 November 1959 at Heusing Cemetery, Kankakee, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
16 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as a daughter in August Chris Klemme's household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; Name     August Klemme
Age     44
Birth Date     Abt 1836
Birthplace     Prussia
Home in 1880     Washington, Will, Illinois, USA
Street     4
House Number     4
Dwelling Number     218
Race     White
Gender     Male
Relation to Head of House     Self (Head)
Marital Status     Single
Father's Birthplace     Prussia
Mother's Birthplace     Prussia
Occupation     Farmer.2
12 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as wife in Charles Heldt Sr.'s household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.3
15 May 1910Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as wife in Charles Heldt Sr.'s household on the 1910 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.4
5 January 1920Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as wife in Charles Heldt Sr.'s household on the 1920 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.5
12 April 1930Washington, Will, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as wife in Charles Heldt Sr.'s household on the 1930 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.6
1940Grant Park, Kankakee, IllinoisPauline Klemme was listed as wife in Charles Heldt Sr.'s household on the 1940 Census at Grant Park, Kankakee, Illinois.7
Grant Park, Kankakee, IllinoisPauline Klemme lived at Grant Park, Kankakee, Illinois.
1910She had 5 with 5 living in 1910 children.
2 August 1953Heldt Family Reunion, Dyer, IndianaOn 2 August 1953 at Heldt Family Reunion, Dyer, Indiana, The reunion of the Held family was held Sunday, August 2, at the Lester Heldt farm at Dyer, Ind. Members who attended were Mrs. Pauline Heldt, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Heldt, Byron, Norman and Karon, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heldt, Richard, Leon and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snell, Judy, Shirley and Jerry Kuzma, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edmonds and Larry, Miss Virginia Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ele and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bradshaw, Gerald and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Garlen Kurth and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Greene and Debra. (Star Publication-Chicago, IL August 11, 1953.)

Children of Pauline Klemme and Charles Heldt Sr.


  1. [S186] Illinois, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, license 14244.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. pg 28. Dwelling 219.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 151.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1910; Census Place: Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois; Roll: T624_298; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 122; Image: 929.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED137. Dwelling 25.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED99-84. Dwelling 104.
  7. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1940; Census Place: Grant Park, Kankakee, Illinois; Roll: T627_824; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 46-62.

Friedrich Christoph Klemme

M, b. 22 April 1830, d. 24 June 1888
Father*Heinrich Christian Klemme b. 23 Oct 1793, d. 25 Mar 1870
Mother*Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker b. 19 Feb 1802, d. a Jul 1870
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFriedrich Christoph Klemme was also known as Frederick Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth22 April 1830Friedrich Christoph Klemme was born on 22 April 1830 at Sabbenhausen, Lippe Detmold, Germany.
He was the son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker.
Christening28 April 1830Friedrich Christoph Klemme was christened on 28 April 1830 at Evangelisch, Falkenhagen, Lippe, Germany.
Marriagebefore 1860He married Fredericka Deutsche, daughter of Herman Deutsche, before 1860.
Death24 June 1888Friedrich Christoph Klemme died on 24 June 1888 at age 58.
Burialafter 24 June 1888He was buried after 24 June 1888 at Saint Paul Evangelical Reformed Church Cemetery, Monee, Will, Illinois.
Probate23 August 1888His estate was probated on 23 August 1888 at Will, Illinois.
Probate of Frederick Klemme - died 24 Jun 1888 - wife Fredericke is sole heir - Will county, IL
Census DateLocationDescription
21 September 1850Crete, Will, IllinoisFriedrich Christoph Klemme was listed in Heinrich Christian Klemme's household on the 1850 Census at Crete, Will, Illinois; Name     Christian Clemens
[Christian Klemme]
Gender     Male
Race     White
Age     60
Birth Year     abt 1790
Birthplace     Germany
Home in 1850     Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Occupation     Farmer
Industry     Agriculture
Real Estate     500
Line Number     22
Dwelling Number     116
Family Number     117.1
26 July 1860Washington, Will, IllinoisFriedrich Christoph Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois, 5 farms away from Christian Klemme..2
June 1880Monee, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Monee, Will, Illinois.3
11 July 1848New YorkFriedrich Christoph Klemme immigrated with Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker on 11 July 1848 at New York; Heinrich Klemme came to America in 1848 with seven children.
Arrival Date: 11 Jul 1848
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Bremen
Place of Origin: Deutschland
Ship: Davenport
Family Identification: 1141422
(Also reported as "The ship was Brig Reform. It left from Bremen, Germany on 5-9-1848 and arrived in New York on 6-28-1848. #330 Christian Klemme of Sabbenhausen house # 39 occupation farmer, with wife and seven children. Page S-135.")
11 October 1866Will, IllinoisFriedrich Christoph Klemme left a will on 11 October 1866 at Will, Illinois.
Will of Frederick Klemme - 11 Oct 1866 - Will county, IL


  1. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 116.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 233. Dwelling 1763.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Monee, Will, Illinois; Roll: 260; Family History Film: 1254260; Page: 346C; Enumeration District: 207; Image: 0703.

Fredericka Deutsche

F, b. 19 April 1833, d. 20 April 1920
Father*Herman Deutsche
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFredericka Deutsche was also known as Friederike.
Married Namebefore 1860As of before 1860,her married name was Klemme.
Married Name26 August 1890As of 26 August 1890,her married name was Huehl.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth19 April 1833Fredericka Deutsche was born on 19 April 1833 at Hanover, Germany.
She was the daughter of Herman Deutsche.
Marriagebefore 1860Fredericka Deutsche married Friedrich Christoph Klemme, son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker, before 1860.
Marriage26 August 1890Fredericka Deutsche married Bernhard Huehl on 26 August 1890 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
Death20 April 1920Fredericka Deutsche died on 20 April 1920 at Monee, Will, Illinois, at age 87 Illinois, U.S., Deaths and Stillbirths Index
Name     Frederica Huehl
[Frederica Deutsche]
Birth Date     19 Apr 1833
Birth Place     Germany
Death Date     20 Apr 1920
Death Place     Monee, Will Co , Illinois
Burial Date     23 Apr 1920
Burial Place     Monee
Cemetery Name     St. Paul Cemetery
Death Age     87
Occupation     Housewife
Race     White
Marital Status     W
Gender     Female
Father Name     Herman Deutsche
Father Birth Place     Germany
Mother Birth Place     Germany
FHL Film Number     1562484.
Census DateLocationDescription
26 July 1860Washington, Will, IllinoisFredericka Deutsche was listed in Friedrich Christoph Klemme's household on the 1860 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois; 5 farms away from Christian Klemme.1
June 1880Monee, Will, IllinoisFredericka Deutsche was listed as wife in Friedrich Christoph Klemme's household on the 1880 Census at Monee, Will, Illinois.2
1855Fredericka Deutsche immigrated in 1855.
23 August 1888Will, IllinoisShe was listed as a beneficiary in Friedrich Christoph Klemme's will on 23 August 1888 at Will, Illinois.
1910Fredericka Deutsche had 0 with 0 living in 1910 children.


  1. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 233. Dwelling 1763.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1880; Census Place: Monee, Will, Illinois; Roll: 260; Family History Film: 1254260; Page: 346C; Enumeration District: 207; Image: 0703.

Dorothea Moeller

F, b. 18 August 1849, d. 26 August 1923
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationDorothea Moeller was also known as Mueller.
Name VariationDorothea Moeller was also known as Doris.
Name VariationDorothea Moeller was also known as Moehler.
NicknameDorothea Moeller also went by the name of Dori.
Married Name10 May 1868As of 10 May 1868,her married name was Klemme.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth18 August 1849Dorothea Moeller was born on 18 August 1849 at Beckeloh, Hannover, Germany, also reported as Aug 1848.
Marriage10 May 1868She married Carl Frederick Klemme, son of Heinrich Christian Klemme and Anna Marie Elizabeth Brenker, on 10 May 1868.1
Death26 August 1923Dorothea Moeller died on 26 August 1923 at Washington, Will, Illinois, at age 74.2
Burialafter 26 August 1923She was buried after 26 August 1923 at Saint Luke Cemetery, Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1880Washington, Will, IllinoisDorothea Moeller was listed as wife in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.3
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisDorothea Moeller was listed as wife in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
6 May 1910Washington, Will, IllinoisDorothea Moeller was listed as Mother in Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme's household on the 1910 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.5
15 January 1920Washington, Will, IllinoisDorothea Moeller was listed as Mother in Albert Friedrich Klemme's household on the 1920 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.6
1867Dorothea Moeller immigrated in 1867 According to the 1920 census. Doris immigrated in 1867 and is a naturalized citizen.
1910She had 11 with 11 living in 1910 children.
1918Washington, Will, IllinoisShe lived with Albert Friedrich Klemme in 1918 at Washington, Will, Illinois.7

Children of Dorothea Moeller and Carl Frederick Klemme


  1. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Marriage no 29.
  2. [S238] Illinois Death Records, by Illinois, certificate 0990428.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 214. Dwelling 3. Pg 2.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED198. Stamp 11. Dwelling 202. Sheet 11A.
  6. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED207. Sheet 3B. Dwelling 54.
  7. [S324] Illinois Will and Southern Cook County 1918 Prairie Farmer's Directory, by Illinois Will and Southern Cook County.
  8. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 143.
  9. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, confirmation pg 151.
  10. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 150.

Eduard Heinrich Klemme

M, b. 11 February 1881, d. 1944
Father*Carl Frederick Klemme b. 5 Dec 1847, d. 3 Apr 1914
Mother*Dorothea Moeller b. 18 Aug 1849, d. 26 Aug 1923
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationEduard Heinrich Klemme was also known as Edward H.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth11 February 1881Eduard Heinrich Klemme was born on 11 February 1881 at Eagle Lake, Illinois.1
He was the son of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller.
Baptism1881Eduard Heinrich Klemme was baptized in 1881 at Zion United Church of Christ, Hanover, Lake, Indiana.2
Marriage17 January 1909He married Rosina Marie Seehausen, daughter of Hans Heinrich Seehausen and Anna Catharina Christina Sophia Seegers, on 17 January 1909 at Lake, Indiana.3
Death1944Eduard Heinrich Klemme died in 1944.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisEduard Heinrich Klemme was listed as a son in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
12 January 1920Hanover, Lake, IndianaEduard Heinrich Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.5
11 April 1930Hanover, Lake, IndianaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.6
2 April 1940Hanover, Lake, IndianaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.7
1940through 6th gradeEduard Heinrich Klemme was educated in 1940 at through 6th grade.


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 151.
  2. [S193] Church Record, Zion United Lake Co IN Extract, Baptism pg 504. no 67.
  3. [S332] Indiana Marriage Records, by Indiana, Book: O Original Source Page: 364.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED37. Dwelling 49.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-78. Dwelling 47.
  7. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-14. Sheet 1A. Dwelling 6.

Alma Klemme

F, b. 20 June 1883, d. May 1958
Father*Carl Frederick Klemme b. 5 Dec 1847, d. 3 Apr 1914
Mother*Dorothea Moeller b. 18 Aug 1849, d. 26 Aug 1923
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAlma Klemme was also known as Elma.
Married Namecirca 1912As of circa 1912,her married name was Helmke.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth20 June 1883Alma Klemme was born on 20 June 1883 at Eagle Lake, Will, Illinois, also reported as 21 Jun 1883.1
She was the daughter of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller.
Marriagecirca 1912Alma Klemme married Herbert William Helmke circa 1912.
BurialMay 1958Alma Klemme was buried in May 1958 at Homewood Memorial Gardens (aka Oak Lawn Cemetery), Homewood, Cook, Illinois.
DeathMay 1958She died in May 1958 at at home, Chicago Heights, Cook, Illinois, at age 74 Alma (Klemme) Helmke obituary.
Chicago Heights Star May 30, 1958 - Alma (Klemme) Helmke obituary
Census DateLocationDescription
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisAlma Klemme was listed as a daughter in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.2
3 January 1920Chicago Heights, Bloom Township, Cook, IllinoisAlma Klemme was listed as wife in Herbert William Helmke's household on the 1920 Census at Chicago Heights, Bloom Township, Cook, Illinois; living at 99 West 19th Street.3
14 April 1930Chicago Heights, Bloom Township, Cook, IllinoisAlma Klemme was listed as wife in Herbert William Helmke's household on the 1930 Census at Chicago Heights, Bloom Township, Cook, Illinois; living at 40 West 19th Street.4


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 151.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED13. Dwelling 45.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED16-2016. Dwelling 314.

Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme

M, b. 1 October 1885, d. 23 December 1952
Father*Carl Frederick Klemme b. 5 Dec 1847, d. 3 Apr 1914
Mother*Dorothea Moeller b. 18 Aug 1849, d. 26 Aug 1923
Name TypeDateDescription
NicknameHeinrich Wilhelm Klemme also went by the name of Henry.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1 October 1885Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme was born on 1 October 1885 at Eagle Lake, Illinois.1
He was the son of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller.
UNMARRIED1940As of 1940, Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme was never married.
Death23 December 1952He died on 23 December 1952 at age 67.
BurialJanuary 1953He was buried in January 1953 at Saint Luke Cemetery, Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Attended funeral of Henry Klemme 16 Jan 1953 The Chicago Heights Star (Chicago Heights, IL)
Census DateLocationDescription
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisHeinrich Wilhelm Klemme was listed as a son in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.2
6 May 1910Washington, Will, IllinoisHeinrich Wilhelm Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.3
15 January 1920Washington, Will, IllinoisHe was listed as a Brother in Albert Friedrich Klemme's household on the 1920 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
11 April 1930Hanover, Lake, IndianaHeinrich Wilhelm Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.5
2 April 1940Hanover, Lake, IndianaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.6
1940through 6th gradeHeinrich Wilhelm Klemme was educated in 1940 at through 6th grade.


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 152.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED198. Stamp 11. Dwelling 202. Sheet 11A.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED207. Sheet 3B. Dwelling 54.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-78. Dwelling 42.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-14. Sheet 1A. Dwelling 1.

Wilhelm Friedrich Klemme

M, b. 25 March 1889, d. 1951
Father*Carl Frederick Klemme b. 5 Dec 1847, d. 3 Apr 1914
Mother*Dorothea Moeller b. 18 Aug 1849, d. 26 Aug 1923
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationWilhelm Friedrich Klemme was also known as William F.
NicknameWilhelm Friedrich Klemme also went by the name of Willie.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth25 March 1889Wilhelm Friedrich Klemme was born on 25 March 1889 at Eagle Lake, Illinois.1
He was the son of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller.
Marriagecirca 1913Wilhelm Friedrich Klemme married Emma Peters, daughter of Martin Christian Peters and Fridericka Johanna Barmann, circa 1913.
Burial1951Wilhelm Friedrich Klemme was buried in 1951 at Saint Pauls Lutheran Cemetery, Kankakee, Illinois.
Death1951He died in 1951.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisWilhelm Friedrich Klemme was listed as a son in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.2
9 February 1920West Creek, Lake, IndianaWilhelm Friedrich Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at West Creek, Lake, Indiana.3
28 April 1930Yellowhead, Kankakee, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Yellowhead, Kankakee, Illinois.4

Children of Wilhelm Friedrich Klemme and Emma Peters


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 153.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Sheet 4B. Dwelling 10. ED89.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED46-50. Dwelling 149.

Albert Friedrich Klemme

M, b. 4 January 1892, d. 23 June 1966
Father*Carl Frederick Klemme b. 5 Dec 1847, d. 3 Apr 1914
Mother*Dorothea Moeller b. 18 Aug 1849, d. 26 Aug 1923
SOCIALSECUAlbert Friedrich Klemme obtained US Social Security Card at Illinois; Last residence Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 January 1892Albert Friedrich Klemme was born on 4 January 1892 at Eagle Lake, Illinois.1
He was the son of Carl Frederick Klemme and Dorothea Moeller.
UNMARRIED1940As of 1940, Albert Friedrich Klemme was never married.
Death23 June 1966He died on 23 June 1966 at age 74 Albert Friedrich Klemme obituary; also reported as 15 Oct 1966.
Chicago Heights Star Chicago Heights Illinois June 26, 1966 - Albert Friedrich Klemme obituary
Burialafter 23 June 1966He was buried after 23 June 1966 at Saint Luke Cemetery, Beecher, Will, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 June 1900Washington, Will, IllinoisAlbert Friedrich Klemme was listed as a son in Carl Frederick Klemme's household on the 1900 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.2
6 May 1910Washington, Will, IllinoisAlbert Friedrich Klemme was listed as a Brother in Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme's household on the 1910 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.3
15 January 1920Washington, Will, IllinoisAlbert Friedrich Klemme was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Washington, Will, Illinois.4
11 April 1930Hanover, Lake, IndianaHe was listed as a brother in Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme's household on the 1930 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.5
2 April 1940Hanover, Lake, IndianaAlbert Friedrich Klemme was listed as a brother in Heinrich Wilhelm Klemme's household on the 1940 Census at Hanover, Lake, Indiana.6
1918Washington, Will, IllinoisAlbert Friedrich Klemme lived in 1918 at Washington, Will, Illinois.7
1940through 4th gradeHe was educated in 1940 at through 4th grade.


  1. [S192] St. John's Ev. Lutheran, St. John's Churchbook Extract, Confirmation pg 155.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Stamp 181A. ED 147. Sheet 2. Dwelling 25.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED198. Stamp 11. Dwelling 202. Sheet 11A.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED207. Sheet 3B. Dwelling 54.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-78. Dwelling 42.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED45-14. Sheet 1A. Dwelling 1.
  7. [S324] Illinois Will and Southern Cook County 1918 Prairie Farmer's Directory, by Illinois Will and Southern Cook County.

Pearl Withrow

F, b. 26 July 1886, d. 20 February 1887
Father*John T. Withrow b. 6 Jun 1841, d. 6 Jan 1890
Mother*Margaret Jane Wilson b. 5 Oct 1849, d. 7 May 1931
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 July 1886Pearl Withrow was born on 26 July 1886 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of John T. Withrow and Margaret Jane Wilson.
Death20 February 1887Pearl Withrow died on 20 February 1887.


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2404.

Minnie Jane Withrow

F, b. 31 August 1876, d. 1950
Father*John T. Withrow b. 6 Jun 1841, d. 6 Jan 1890
Mother*Margaret Jane Wilson b. 5 Oct 1849, d. 7 May 1931
Minnie Jane Withrow - 1897 -Colorized
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name24 February 1897As of 24 February 1897,her married name was Reuter.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth31 August 1876Minnie Jane Withrow was born on 31 August 1876 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of John T. Withrow and Margaret Jane Wilson.
Marriage24 February 1897Minnie Jane Withrow married Engelbert Reiter, son of Bernard Joseph Reuter and Catherine Bayer, on 24 February 1897 at Grant, Wisconsin.2
Death1950Minnie Jane Withrow died in 1950 at Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
8 June 1880Paris, Grant, WisconsinMinnie Jane Withrow was listed as a daughter in John T. Withrow's household on the 1880 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
20 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinMinnie Jane Withrow was listed as wife in Engelbert Reiter's household on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4
18 April 1910Paris, Grant, WisconsinMinnie Jane Withrow was listed as wife in Engelbert Reiter's household on the 1910 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.5
24 January 1920Paris, Grant, WisconsinMinnie Jane Withrow was listed as wife in Engelbert Reiter's household on the 1920 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.6
22 April 1930Platteville, Grant, WisconsinMinnie Jane Withrow was listed as wife in Engelbert Reiter's household on the 1930 Census at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.7
1897Grant, WisconsinIn 1897 at Grant, Wisconsin, portrait of Margaret Jane (Wilson) Withrow with her children.
Based on rings and dress color, likely taken 24 Feb 1897 at wedding of Minnie Jane Withrow and Engelbert Reuter
Standing: Walter Ellsworth Withrow, George Willie Withrow, John Alfred Withrow, Frank E Withrow
Seated: Grace (Withrow) Vannatta, Margaret Jane (Wilson) Withrow, Minnie Jane Withrow, Hattie Mae Withrow.
Margaret Jane (Wilson) Withrow with her children - 1897 -Colorized
Margaret Jane (Wilson) Withrow with her children - 1897
April 1920In April 1920 Miss Nellie McClain of Platteville has been spending several days visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bert Reiter.

Children of Minnie Jane Withrow and Engelbert Reiter


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2391.
  2. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 6. ED120. Dwelling 53.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 154.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED39. Dwelling 13.
  6. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED118. Dwelling 62.
  7. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-45. Dwelling 75.

(?) Withrow

F, b. 15 March 1885, d. before 1900
Father*John T. Withrow b. 6 Jun 1841, d. 6 Jan 1890
Mother*Margaret Jane Wilson b. 5 Oct 1849, d. 7 May 1931
Life EventDateDescription
Birth15 March 1885(?) Withrow was born on 15 March 1885 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of John T. Withrow and Margaret Jane Wilson.
Deathbefore 1900(?) Withrow died before 1900.


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2405.

Bertie Withrow

M, b. 28 January 1888, d. 10 February 1889
Father*John T. Withrow b. 6 Jun 1841, d. 6 Jan 1890
Mother*Margaret Jane Wilson b. 5 Oct 1849, d. 7 May 1931
Life EventDateDescription
Birth28 January 1888Bertie Withrow was born on 28 January 1888 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.1
He was the son of John T. Withrow and Margaret Jane Wilson.
Death10 February 1889Bertie Withrow died on 10 February 1889 at age 1.
Burialafter 10 February 1889He was buried after 10 February 1889 at Mount Zion Cemetery, Cornelia, Grant, Wisconsin, Dau. Of John & Margaret J. Withrow, Aged 1 Y 12 Ds, Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven.


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2407.

William Withrow

M, b. 1801, d. 21 March 1879
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1801William Withrow was born in 1801 at Pennsylvania.
Marriage8 March 1838He married Martha Cooper on 8 March 1838 at Potosi, Grant, Wisconsin.
Death21 March 1879William Withrow died on 21 March 1879 at Potosi, Grant, Wisconsin.
Burialafter 21 March 1879He was buried after 21 March 1879 at Mt. Zion (Cornelia) Cemetery, Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinWilliam Withrow was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.1
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
William and Martha WITHROW had eight children: (1) John was born in Potosi, Wis., in 1841. He was a soldier in the Union army, enlisting in Company H, 25th Wis. V.I., and served throughout the Civil war. He married Miss Margaret WILSON, and settled on the old homestead in the town of Paris, where he died Jan. 6, 1890, leaving a wife and seven children. (2) Jane, deceased. (3) Rebecca, deceased wife of Payton VAUGHN, of Lemars, Iowa. (4) George, now a miner of the Klondike, while his wife and four children live in Chicago. (5) James, a conductor on the street cars in Omaha. (6) Wesley, married and is a farmer at Waukon, Iowa. (7) Lavinia, now the wife of Silas VANETTA, of Harrison. (8) Edith, the wife of Daniel STANTON. Mr. WITHROW and his wife were among the old pioneers, and were religious people, both being members of the Congregational Church.

Children of William Withrow and Martha Cooper


  1. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.

Martha Cooper

F, b. 1817, d. 15 February 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMartha Cooper was also known as Hitch.
Married Namebefore 1837As of before 1837,her married name was Long.
Married Name8 March 1838As of 8 March 1838,her married name was Withrow.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1817Martha Cooper was born in 1817 at Delaware.
Marriagebefore 1837She married Casper Long before 1837.
Marriage8 March 1838Martha Cooper married William Withrow on 8 March 1838 at Potosi, Grant, Wisconsin.
Death15 February 1885Martha Cooper died on 15 February 1885 at Potosi, Grant, Wisconsin.
Burialafter 15 February 1885She was buried after 15 February 1885 at Mt. Zion (Cornelia) Cemetery, Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinMartha Cooper was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.1
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinMartha Cooper was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinMartha Cooper was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinMartha Cooper was listed as Mother of Wesley S. Withrow in Wesley S. Withrow's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4

Children of Martha Cooper and Casper Long

Children of Martha Cooper and William Withrow


  1. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 160.

William Henry Long

M, b. 12 August 1837, d. 25 March 1920
Father*Casper Long b. c 1815, d. 1840
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Commemorative biographical record of the counties of Rock, Green, Grant, Iowa and Lafayette, WI 1901 - Henry Long - page 808
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationWilliam Henry Long was also known as Henry William.
Name VariationWilliam Henry Long was also known as Withrow.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth12 August 1837William Henry Long was born on 12 August 1837 at Iowa also reported as 1838.
He was the son of Casper Long and Martha Cooper.
MarriageOctober 1867William Henry Long married Mary McMann, daughter of Thomas McMann, in October 1867.
MarriageApril 1874William Henry Long married Mary Himan, daughter of O. P. Himan and Irene J. Louthain, in April 1874.
Death25 March 1920William Henry Long died on 25 March 1920 at age 82.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinWilliam Henry Long was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.1
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinWilliam Henry Long was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinWilliam Henry Long was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.3
1901In 1901 HENRY LONG. This gentleman is a well-known stock farmer of the town of Harrison, Grant county, and is an industrious and honorable representative man in his noble calling. He has had a long life in the West, and it is with pleasure that the pen of the historian records such a modest and unassuming, but sound and substantial life.

Mr. LONG was born near Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 12, 1837. His father, Casper LONG, was born in Pennsylvania, and his mother, Martha (HITCH) LONG, was born in Delaware. They came West when young, and settled near Dubuque, where they lived some time. They moved to Potosi, Wis., where the husband and father died in 1840, when only twenty-five years of age, leaving a wife and two children, Henry and Mary. The daughter married Samuel VANNATTA, and lived in Platteville, where she died in 1897, leaving three children, Effie, Edith and Charles. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Martha LONG married William WITHROW, of Potosi, and after some years they removed to the town of Paris, where she died in 1885, leaving a family to Mr. WITHROW.

Henry LONG grew to manhood in the home of his step-father, and received his early education in the schools of Potosi and Paris. When the Civil war broke out he made haste to don the Union blue, and enlisted in August, 1862, in company H, 25th Wis. V.I. They were sent to Minnesota to suppress the hostile Indians before their departure to the South. They were afterward sent to the seat of war, via Columbus, Ky. (where they stayed three months). For two months they were a part of the besieging force at Vicksburg, and were then sent by boat to Helena, Ark. In February 1863, they returned to Vicksburg, whence they went to Cairo. From there they went to Alabama and the disputed territory along the Tennessee river. With Gen. Sherman they went to Atlanta, and the young soldier bore a stout hand in many bloody battles and skirmishes from Vicksburg to Atlanta, and from Atlanta to the sea, returning through the Carolinas. Mr. LONG was taken sick at Helena, Ark., but bore up and refused to go to the hospital. For four months he was seriously out of health, but he recovered, and feels that perhaps he owes his life to his indomitable will. The history of the regiment covers many of the most stirring scenes of the war in Tennessee, Alabama and in the Mississippi valley. It was a part of the army that broke the back of the rebellion, had a share in the glory of the grand review at Washington, and was mustered out at Madison, Wis., in June 1865.

When the war had closed Mr. LONG came back to Grant county. He had extensive lumber interests at Dubuque, and in October, 1867, he married Miss Mary McMANN, a daughter of Thomas McMANN, of one of the old-time families of Grant county. Mr. LONG purchased his present home very soon after his marriage. He has cleared it up by unflagging labor, and has added to it from time to time until he now owns a fine estate of four hundred acres of farm and timber land. For a number of years he has been one of the large cattle dealers of the southwestern part of the State, buying largely, fattening and shipping to the Chicago and other markets. Mrs. Mary LONG died in 1873, leaving her bereaved husband with two children, Gertrude and Dora. Gertrude died when an infant, and Dora, born in 1870, was educated at the State Normal at Platteville, and for several years was a successful teacher, but is now the wife of Samuel VANNATTA, Jr., of the town of Harrison, and the mother of one daughter, Lela.

In April 1874, Mr. LONG married his present wife, Miss Mary HIMAN, in the town of Paris, who is the daughter of O. P. and Irene J. (LOUTHAIN) HIMAN, an old pioneer family of the town of Harrison. Mrs. LONG was born in Paris in August, 1853. She was reared to womanhood in Grant county, and received her education from the public schools. After her marriage she settled with her husband on his farm, and became the mother of two children, of whom only one is living, Ida and Bertha. Ida, born Aug. 26, 1878, died in August, 1892; she was a bright, thoughtful and loving girl, and her affectionate disposition endeared her to her parents and her young companions, and her loss left a vacancy in this home that can never be filled. The mother is a member of the Congregational Church of Mt. Zion in the town of Harrison. Mr. LONG is a supporter of the Republican party, and takes much interest in the cause of education, religion, and every forward movement. Henry LONG began life on his own footing. He formed habits of industry and prudence which have attended him through life. What he earned he carefully invested, and from a small beginning he now owns one of the largest stock farms in the town of Harrison. He keeps large herds of fine cattle which go forward to market at the most favorable season, and he is a wealthy and prosperous farmer, standing high in the esteem of the people of Grant county.

Children of William Henry Long and Mary McMann

Children of William Henry Long and Mary Himan


  1. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, NA Film Number T9-1427 Sheet 131C.

Mary Ann Long

F, b. 1840, d. 1897
Father*Casper Long b. c 1815, d. 1840
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMary Ann Long was also known as Eliza A.
Name VariationMary Ann Long was also known as Withrow.
Married Name29 January 1863As of 29 January 1863,her married name was VanNatta.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1840Mary Ann Long was born in 1840 at Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Casper Long and Martha Cooper.
Marriage29 January 1863Mary Ann Long married Samuel A. VanNatta, son of Henry Harrison VanNatta Sr. and Sarah Royce Raub, on 29 January 1863 at Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death1897Mary Ann Long died in 1897.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinMary Ann Long was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.2
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinMary Ann Long was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
3 June 1870Harrison, Grant, WisconsinMary Ann Long was listed in Samuel A. VanNatta's household on the 1870 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4
25 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WiconsinMary Ann Long was listed as wife in Samuel A. VanNatta's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wiconsin; Next door to Henry.5
5 June 1929On 5 June 1929 Dan and Edith (Withrow) Stanton 50th wedding anniversary celebration.

Children of Mary Ann Long and Samuel A. VanNatta


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900, listed under Vanatta, Samuel.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  4. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 3. Dwelling 21.
  5. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED107. Dwelling 193.

Martha Jane Withrow

F, b. circa 1843, d. before 1901
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMartha Jane Withrow was also known as Jane.
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1843Martha Jane Withrow was born circa 1843 at Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Deathbefore 1901Martha Jane Withrow died before 1901.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinMartha Jane Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.1
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinMartha Jane Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinMartha Jane Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3


  1. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.

Rebecca E. Withrow

F, b. 4 October 1845, d. 7 March 1886
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name20 August 1862As of 20 August 1862,her married name was Vaughn.
Married Name20 August 1862As of 20 August 1862,her married name was Vaughan.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 October 1845Rebecca E. Withrow was born on 4 October 1845 at Potosi, Grant, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Marriage20 August 1862Rebecca E. Withrow married Payton S. Vaughan, son of Payton Vaughan and Catherine Burns, on 20 August 1862 at Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death7 March 1886Rebecca E. Withrow died on 7 March 1886 at Le Mars, Plymouth, Iowa, at age 40.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinRebecca E. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.2
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinRebecca E. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
23 June 1870Township 91 Range 42, Plymouth, IowaRebecca E. Withrow was listed in Payton S. Vaughan's household on the 1870 Census at Township 91 Range 42, Plymouth, Iowa.4
June 1880Marion, Plymouth, IowaRebecca E. Withrow was listed as wife in Payton S. Vaughan's household on the 1880 Census at Marion, Plymouth, Iowa.5

Children of Rebecca E. Withrow and Payton S. Vaughan


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  4. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Page 23. Stamp 31. Dwelling 2.
  5. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, NA Film Number T9-0359 Sheet 56B.

George Withrow

M, b. 18 February 1847, d. 31 May 1916
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Life EventDateDescription
Birth18 February 1847George Withrow was born on 18 February 1847 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.
He was the son of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Marriage21 February 1870George Withrow married Mary Catherine Thurtell, daughter of Edward Brookes Thurtell and Amy Belle Burns, on 21 February 1870 at Jamestown, Grant County, Wisconsin, Marriage record of Mary C Thurtell and George Withrow.1
Marriage record of Mary C Thurtell and George Withrow 21 Feb 1870 Jamestown, Grant, Wisconsin
Death31 May 1916George Withrow died on 31 May 1916 at Chicago Heights, Cook, Illinois, at age 69 also reported as Jun 1916.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 September 1850Paris Town, Grant, WisconsinGeorge Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1850 Census at Paris Town, Grant, Wisconsin.2
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinGeorge Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
22 June 1870Township 91 Range 42, Plymouth, IowaGeorge Withrow was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Township 91 Range 42, Plymouth, Iowa, also in the residence is Hattie Withrow, age 22, and Maria Withrow, age 19.4
23 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5
The family lived on a farm in Cornelia, Grant County, Wisconsin, until 1896, when George Withrow went to the Alaska Klondike to mine for gold; and Mary and her daughters moved to Chicago, Illinois. He did not return until June 1913. He and his wife then lived in Kansas City, Missouri.

Children of George Withrow and Mary Catherine Thurtell


  1. [S172] Wisconsin, WI marriage index for Grant County, vol. 5, page 82, sequence 22964-22965, shows George Withrnt County marriage index shows Mary C. Thurtell, daughter of E. Thurtell and A. ______ , marr.
  2. [S249] U.S. Federal Census 1850 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 516. Stamp 122. Page 243.
  3. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  4. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Page 22. Dwelling 19.
  5. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, Page 19. ED107. Dwelling 164.

Wesley S. Withrow

M, b. 2 March 1852, d. 2 February 1920
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Life EventDateDescription
Birth2 March 1852Wesley S. Withrow was born on 2 March 1852 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin, also reported as Mar 1853.
He was the son of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Marriage24 July 1886Wesley S. Withrow married Elizabeth Jane Hooser, daughter of Justus D. Hooser and Harriet Chadwick, on 24 July 1886 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death2 February 1920Wesley S. Withrow died on 2 February 1920 at Chippewa, Wisconsin, at age 67 Wesley S. Withrow of this city died at St. Joseph's Hospital at Chippewa Falls of lingering paralysis, Monday, Feb. 2. Mr. Withrow's health had been failing for some time and three weeks ago was taken to the hospital at Chippewa Falls for treatment. Mr. Withrow was born at Platteville, WI, on March 2, 1852, and was married at the same place to Elizabeth Hooser on July 24, 1886. Those left to mourn his departure are two sons, Wesley and George of Hayward, and two daughters, Mrs. Edward Wollum of Esmond, SD, and Mrs. Harry Gregerson of this city; also a half-brother, Henry Long, and two sisters, Mrs. Silas Van Natta and Mrs. Dan Stanton, all of Platteville. Mr. Withrow was a member of the Methodist Church and belonged to the Brotherhood of American Yeoman. He was a quiet, reserved man, a good citizen and highly respected by all who knew him. He never had been a robust type of a man, but alswas ready to make his best efforts. Was always industrious, but for the past twelve years, owing to failing health, he had been very quiet. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at the Congregational Church, Rev. Barnes officiating. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of the community. (Sawyer County Record Feb. 5, 1920.)
Burialafter 2 February 1920He was buried after 2 February 1920 at Greenwood Cemetery, Hayward, Sawyer, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinWesley S. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinWesley S. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinWesley S. Withrow was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4
15 June 1900Linton, Allamakee, IowaHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Linton, Allamakee, Iowa, living next door to James M. Clark.5
1910Hayward, Sawyer, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Hayward, Sawyer, Wisconsin.6
8 January 1920Hayward, Sawyer, WisconsinHe was listed as father-in-law in Harry P. Gregerson's household on the 1920 Census at Hayward, Sawyer, Wisconsin.7

Children of Wesley S. Withrow and Elizabeth Jane Hooser


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 160.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1900; Census Place: Linton, Allamakee, Iowa; Roll T623_415; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 2.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1910; Census Place: Hayward, Sawyer, Wisconsin; Roll T624_1717; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 212; Image: 1040.
  7. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, Year: 1920;Census Place: Hayward, Sawyer, Wisconsin; Roll T625_2016; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 196; Image: 94.

Levinia E. Withrow

F, b. 6 September 1855, d. 22 October 1929
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationLevinia E. Withrow was also known as Lavina E.
Married Name5 February 1873As of 5 February 1873,her married name was VanNatta.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth6 September 1855Levinia E. Withrow was born on 6 September 1855 at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Marriage5 February 1873Levinia E. Withrow married Silas Aaron VanNatta, son of Aaron V. VanNatta and Elizabeth Kishpaugh, on 5 February 1873 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death22 October 1929Levinia E. Withrow died on 22 October 1929 at at hospital, Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin, at age 74 Mrs Silas Vannatta (Levinia Withrow) obituary.
Dubuque Telegraph Herald And Times Journal October 24, 1929 - Mrs Silas Vannatta (Levinia Withrow) obituary
Census DateLocationDescription
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed as wife in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin; Next door to Samuel and two doors from Aaron Vannatta.4
21 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed as wife in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5
27 April 1910Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed as wife in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1910 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.6
6 February 1920Platteville, Grant, WisconsinLevinia E. Withrow was listed as wife in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1920 Census at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.7

Children of Levinia E. Withrow and Silas Aaron VanNatta


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 158.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 164.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 25. Sheet 3A.
  7. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED120. Dwelling 197. Stamp 182.

Edith Withrow

F, b. December 1857, d. 1930
Father*William Withrow b. 1801, d. 21 Mar 1879
Mother*Martha Cooper b. 1817, d. 15 Feb 1885
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationEdith Withrow was also known as Eda.
Married Name29 May 1879As of 29 May 1879,her married name was Stanton.1
Life EventDateDescription
BirthDecember 1857Edith Withrow was born in December 1857 at Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of William Withrow and Martha Cooper.
Marriage29 May 1879Edith Withrow married Daniel Stanton, son of Samuel Warner Stanton and Catherine E. McKenzie, on 29 May 1879 at Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death1930Edith Withrow died in 1930.
Census DateLocationDescription
23 July 1860Paris, Grant, WisconsinEdith Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1860 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
22 July 1870Paris, Grant, WisconsinEdith Withrow was listed in William Withrow's household on the 1870 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
circa June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinEdith Withrow was listed as wife in Daniel Stanton's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4
6 January 1920Harrison, Grant, WisconsinEdith Withrow was listed as wife in Daniel Stanton's household on the 1920 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5
1900Edith Withrow had 6 with 6 living in 1900 children.
5 June 1929On 5 June 1929 Dan and Edith (Withrow) Stanton 50th wedding anniversary celebration.
Dubuque Telegraph Herald And Times Journal June 9, 1929 - Dan and Edith (Withrow) Stanton 50th wedding anniversary celebration

Children of Edith Withrow and Daniel Stanton


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg. 97. Dwelling 724.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 8. Dwelling 52.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, NA Film Number T9-1427 Page Number 129C.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED103. Dwelling 4.

Silas Aaron VanNatta

M, b. 10 November 1850, d. 30 April 1939
Father*Aaron V. VanNatta b. 2 Aug 1810, d. 17 Mar 1881
Mother*Elizabeth Kishpaugh b. 8 Feb 1811, d. 28 Mar 1896
Life EventDateDescription
Birth10 November 1850Silas Aaron VanNatta was born on 10 November 1850 at Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Virginia.
He was the son of Aaron V. VanNatta and Elizabeth Kishpaugh.
Marriage5 February 1873Silas Aaron VanNatta married Levinia E. Withrow, daughter of William Withrow and Martha Cooper, on 5 February 1873 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death30 April 1939Silas Aaron VanNatta died on 30 April 1939 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin, at age 88.
Burial2 May 1939He was buried on 2 May 1939 at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
19 July 1860Harrison, Grant, WisconsinSilas Aaron VanNatta was listed in Aaron V. VanNatta's household on the 1860 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.2
18 June 1870Harrison, Grant, WisconsinSilas Aaron VanNatta was listed in Aaron V. VanNatta's household on the 1870 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.3
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinSilas Aaron VanNatta was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin; Next door to Samuel and two doors from Aaron Vannatta.4
21 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5
27 April 1910Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.6
6 February 1920Platteville, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.7
7 April 1930Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as father in Howard Wesley VanNatta's household on the 1930 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.8

Children of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by, Dwelling 670. Page 88.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by, Pg 16. Dwelling 117.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 158.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 164.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 25. Sheet 3A.
  7. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED120. Dwelling 197. Stamp 182.
  8. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-17. Dwelling 22.

Howard Wesley VanNatta

M, b. 26 January 1884, d. 27 September 1964
Father*Silas Aaron VanNatta b. 10 Nov 1850, d. 30 Apr 1939
Mother*Levinia E. Withrow b. 6 Sep 1855, d. 22 Oct 1929
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 January 1884Howard Wesley VanNatta was born on 26 January 1884 at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
He was the son of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow.
Marriagecirca March 1910Howard Wesley VanNatta married Lena J. DeBuhr circa March 1910.
Death27 September 1964Howard Wesley VanNatta died on 27 September 1964 at Grant, Wisconsin, at age 80.
Census DateLocationDescription
21 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHoward Wesley VanNatta was listed as a son in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.2
27 April 1910Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHoward Wesley VanNatta was listed as a married son in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1910 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.3
8 January 1920Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHoward Wesley VanNatta was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.4
7 April 1930Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5

Child of Howard Wesley VanNatta and Lena J. DeBuhr


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2420.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 164.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 25. Sheet 3A.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED103. Dwelling 21.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-17. Dwelling 22.

Jennie Belle VanNatta

F, b. 6 May 1874, d. January 1978
Father*Silas Aaron VanNatta b. 10 Nov 1850, d. 30 Apr 1939
Mother*Levinia E. Withrow b. 6 Sep 1855, d. 22 Oct 1929
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Namecirca 1902As of circa 1902,her married name was Alderman.
Married Namecirca 1905As of circa 1905,her married name was Harms.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth6 May 1874Jennie Belle VanNatta was born on 6 May 1874 at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow.
Marriagecirca 1902Jennie Belle VanNatta married (?) Alderman circa 1902.
Marriagecirca 1905Jennie Belle VanNatta married George L. Harms circa 1905 at first marriage for him; second for her.
DeathJanuary 1978Jennie Belle VanNatta died in January 1978 at age 103.
Census DateLocationDescription
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinJennie Belle VanNatta was listed as a daughter in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin; Next door to Samuel and two doors from Aaron Vannatta.2

Child of Jennie Belle VanNatta and (?) Alderman

Children of Jennie Belle VanNatta and George L. Harms


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2421.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 158.

Maude E. VanNatta

F, b. 29 October 1880, d. 31 December 1887
Father*Silas Aaron VanNatta b. 10 Nov 1850, d. 30 Apr 1939
Mother*Levinia E. Withrow b. 6 Sep 1855, d. 22 Oct 1929
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMaude E. VanNatta was also known as Vanatta.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth29 October 1880Maude E. VanNatta was born on 29 October 1880 at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow.
Death31 December 1887Maude E. VanNatta died on 31 December 1887 at Grant, Wisconsin, at age 7.2


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg No. V3-2422.
  2. [S6] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Vital Record to 1907, Volume: 02 Page: 0123 Reel: 030 Image: 2709 Index Volume: - Sequence #: 398262.

Nellie M. VanNatta

F, b. 26 August 1878, d. 14 January 1888
Father*Silas Aaron VanNatta b. 10 Nov 1850, d. 30 Apr 1939
Mother*Levinia E. Withrow b. 6 Sep 1855, d. 22 Oct 1929
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationNellie M. VanNatta was also known as Vanatta.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 August 1878Nellie M. VanNatta was born on 26 August 1878 at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
She was the daughter of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow.
Death14 January 1888Nellie M. VanNatta died on 14 January 1888 at Grant, Wisconsin, at age 9.2
Census DateLocationDescription
22 June 1880Harrison, Grant, WisconsinNellie M. VanNatta was listed as a daughter in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1880 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin; Next door to Samuel and two doors from Aaron Vannatta.3


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg No. V3-2423.
  2. [S6] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Vital Record to 1907, Volume: 02 Page: 0123 Reel: 030 Image: 2709 Index Volume: - Sequence #: 398263.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 107. Dwelling 158.

Reuben Melvin VanNatta

M, b. 14 March 1879, d. 28 November 1945
Father*Moses M. VanNatta b. 4 Aug 1835, d. 13 Feb 1920
Mother*Christina Cleo Nye b. Dec 1845, d. 29 Dec 1917
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationReuben Melvin VanNatta was also known as Ruben Melvin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 March 1879Reuben Melvin VanNatta was born on 14 March 1879 at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
He was the son of Moses M. VanNatta and Christina Cleo Nye.
Marriage18 February 1903Reuben Melvin VanNatta married Clara Mae Schuster, daughter of John Schuster and Hester Jane VanNatta, on 18 February 1903 at Grant, Wisconsin.
Death28 November 1945Reuben Melvin VanNatta died on 28 November 1945 at Cornelia, Grant, Wisconsin, at age 66.
Census DateLocationDescription
3 June 1880Paris, Grant, WisconsinReuben Melvin VanNatta was listed as a son in Moses M. VanNatta's household on the 1880 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
12 June 1900Paris, Grant, WisconsinReuben Melvin VanNatta was listed as a son in Moses M. VanNatta's household on the 1900 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.3
May 1910Paris, Grant, WisconsinReuben Melvin VanNatta was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.4
6 January 1920Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.5
9 April 1930Harrison, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.6

Children of Reuben Melvin VanNatta and Clara Mae Schuster


  1. [S187] Grant WI Birth Records Birth Records, by Wisconsin, Vol/Reg. No. V3-2416.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED120. Dwelling 22.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED47. Dwelling 33.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED39. Dwelling 114.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED103. Dwelling 7.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-17. Dwelling 35.

Engelbert Reiter

M, b. 14 March 1875, d. 6 December 1951
Father*Bernard Joseph Reuter b. 28 Nov 1824, d. 10 Apr 1900
Mother*Catherine Bayer b. 24 Aug 1837, d. 22 Jun 1882
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationEngelbert Reiter was also known as Bert.
Name VariationEngelbert Reiter was also known as Reuter.
Name VariationEngelbert Reiter was also known as Rither.
Name VariationEngelbert Reiter was also known as Riter.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 March 1875Engelbert Reiter was born on 14 March 1875 at Wisconsin.
He was the son of Bernard Joseph Reuter and Catherine Bayer.
Marriage24 February 1897Engelbert Reiter married Minnie Jane Withrow, daughter of John T. Withrow and Margaret Jane Wilson, on 24 February 1897 at Grant, Wisconsin.1
Death6 December 1951Engelbert Reiter died on 6 December 1951 at age 76.
Census DateLocationDescription
circa June 1880Paris, Grant, WisconsinEngelbert Reiter was listed as a son in Bernard Joseph Reuter's household on the 1880 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.2
20 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinEngelbert Reiter was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.3
18 April 1910Paris, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.4
24 January 1920Paris, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Paris, Grant, Wisconsin.5
22 April 1930Platteville, Grant, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin.6
after 1 November 1908Maryhill Visitation Church Cemetery, Cherokee, Cherokee, IowaEngelbert Reiter witnessed the burial of Anna C. Reuter after 1 November 1908 at Maryhill Visitation Church Cemetery, Cherokee, Cherokee, Iowa; Anna (Reuter) Rupp funeral notice.

Children of Engelbert Reiter and Minnie Jane Withrow


  1. [S5] Wisconsin, Wisconsin Marriages, 1835-1900.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by, NA Film Number T9-1427 Page Number 279C.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 154.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED39. Dwelling 13.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED118. Dwelling 62.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-45. Dwelling 75.

Verna A. VanNatta

F, b. 14 February 1895, d. 28 April 1984
Father*Silas Aaron VanNatta b. 10 Nov 1850, d. 30 Apr 1939
Mother*Levinia E. Withrow b. 6 Sep 1855, d. 22 Oct 1929
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationVerna A. VanNatta was also known as Vernia.
Name VariationVerna A. VanNatta was also known as Berna.
Married Name10 June 1913As of 10 June 1913,her married name was Steinhoff.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 February 1895Verna A. VanNatta was born on 14 February 1895 at Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow.
Marriage10 June 1913Verna A. VanNatta married George F. Steinhoff on 10 June 1913.
Death28 April 1984Verna A. VanNatta died on 28 April 1984 at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, at age 89.
Census DateLocationDescription
21 June 1900Harrison, Grant, WisconsinVerna A. VanNatta was listed as a daughter in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1900 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
27 April 1910Harrison, Grant, WisconsinVerna A. VanNatta was listed as a daughter in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1910 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.2

Child of Verna A. VanNatta and George F. Steinhoff


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 34. Dwelling 164.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 25. Sheet 3A.

Lena J. DeBuhr

F, b. circa 1886, d. after 1940
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationLena J. DeBuhr was also known as Helena M.
Name VariationLena J. DeBuhr was also known as Dubuker.
Married Namecirca March 1910As of circa March 1910,her married name was VanNatta.
Life EventDateDescription
Birthcirca 1886Lena J. DeBuhr was born circa 1886 at Germany.
Marriagecirca March 1910She married Howard Wesley VanNatta, son of Silas Aaron VanNatta and Levinia E. Withrow, circa March 1910.
Deathafter 1940Lena J. DeBuhr died after 1940.
Census DateLocationDescription
27 April 1910Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLena J. DeBuhr was listed as a daughter-in-law in Silas Aaron VanNatta's household on the 1910 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.1
8 January 1920Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLena J. DeBuhr was listed as wife in Howard Wesley VanNatta's household on the 1920 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.2
7 April 1930Harrison, Grant, WisconsinLena J. DeBuhr was listed as wife in Howard Wesley VanNatta's household on the 1930 Census at Harrison, Grant, Wisconsin.3

Child of Lena J. DeBuhr and Howard Wesley VanNatta


  1. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED 25. Sheet 3A.
  2. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED103. Dwelling 21.
  3. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED22-17. Dwelling 22.

Allen David Montague

M, b. 8 January 1902, d. 22 January 1966
Father*David Soloday Montague b. 12 Apr 1853, d. 11 Sep 1934
Mother*Alice Hampton b. Mar 1862, d. 1936
Allen Montague
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAllen David Montague was also known as David Allen.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth8 January 1902Allen David Montague was born on 8 January 1902 at Vermillion, Clay, South Dakota.1
He was the son of David Soloday Montague and Alice Hampton.
Marriage19 February 1938Allen David Montague married Bernice Ellen Mollet, daughter of Ernest Franklin Mollet and Ellen Charlotte Carlson, on 19 February 1938 at Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Death22 January 1966Allen David Montague died on 22 January 1966 at Gann Valley, Buffalo, South Dakota, at age 64 Mr. Montague was born Jan. 8, 1902 at Vermillion to Mr. and Mrs. David S. Montague and came to Buffalo County with his parents that same year. After graduating from Gann Valley High School he started work on the Gann Valley Chief.
After the death of the editor, Joseph H. Drips, in 1931 he worked for Mrs. Drips until purchasing the paper in 1946. On Feb. 19,1938 he married Bernice Mollet of Geddes. Mr. Montague died Jan. 22.
Daily Republic Newspaper, Mitchell, SD- 1/29/1966.
Allen Montague obituary 29 Jan 1966 - The Daily Republic (Mitchell, SD)
Census DateLocationDescription
22 April 1910Elvira, Buffalo, South DakotaAllen David Montague was listed as a step-brother in Jesse Glen Baker's household on the 1910 Census at Elvira, Buffalo, South Dakota.2
23 January 1920Eldora, Buffalo, South DakotaAllen David Montague was listed as a brother-in-law in Harvey Joseph Trainer's household on the 1920 Census at Eldora, Buffalo, South Dakota.3
Photo of Marlene Montague, Bernice (Mollet) Montague, Sharon Montague, David Montague holding Ray's daughter Connie (?), Allen Montague.
Marlene Montague, Bernice (Mollet) Montague, Sharon Montague, David Montague holding Rays daughter Connie, Allen Montague
Photo of Bernice (Mollet) and Allen Montague.
Bernice (Mollet) and Allen Montague


  1. [S9] South Dakota, South Dakota Birth Records South Dakota, State File Number: 583536 (unknown file date).
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED79. Dwelling 34.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED33. Dwelling 11.

Robert H. Trainer

M, b. 22 September 1914, d. 20 August 1973
Father*Harvey Joseph Trainer b. 22 Apr 1882, d. 5 Jul 1953
Mother*Edna Baker b. 24 May 1884, d. 20 Mar 1973
Life EventDateDescription
Birth22 September 1914Robert H. Trainer was born on 22 September 1914 at South Dakota.
He was the son of Harvey Joseph Trainer and Edna Baker.
Marriage14 April 1969Robert H. Trainer married Bernice Ellen Mollet, daughter of Ernest Franklin Mollet and Ellen Charlotte Carlson, on 14 April 1969 at Gann Valley, Buffalo, South Dakota, also reported as 14 Apr 1967.
Death20 August 1973Robert H. Trainer died on 20 August 1973 at South Dakota at age 58 Robert Trainer obituary.
Huron Daily Plainsman August 21, 1973 - Robert Trainer obituary
Burialafter 20 August 1973He was buried after 20 August 1973 at Gann Valley Cemetery (aka Spring Hill Cemetery), Gann Valley, Cann, South Dakota.
Census DateLocationDescription
23 January 1920Eldora, Buffalo, South DakotaRobert H. Trainer was listed as a son in Harvey Joseph Trainer's household on the 1920 Census at Eldora, Buffalo, South Dakota.1
5 April 1930Township 106, Buffalo, South DakotaRobert H. Trainer was listed as a son in Harvey Joseph Trainer's household on the 1930 Census at Township 106, Buffalo, South Dakota.2


  1. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED33. Dwelling 11.
  2. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by, ED9-5. Dwelling 23.